As Jim walked down the dark hall, he spotted another nurse there, cleaning the floor kind of desperately. She looked freaked out, trembling subtly as she hurried to finish the job. He approached immediately, intending to ask her about whatever had happened, when he [i]smell [/i]it before he saw what that dark puddle on the floor was. [i][color=00aeef]Blood[/color][/i], he registered quickly. [color=00aeef]"Oh, good Lord! What had just happened in here?"[/color], he asked the woman, frowning in concern as he looked at her. [color=00aeef]"Is there any patient injuried? Are ya alright, dear?"[/color]. The nurse barely managed to nod at him, still looking scared, and let out a shaky sigh as he gently placed his palm over her shoulder. He sent her a soothing little smile, nodding her off so the woman didn't doubt it and left. The frown reappeared on his soft face as he glanced down at the stain on the floor. He'd ask to have that properly washed off later. The following room he visited for a morning check was Chara's. She was known to be a troublesome patient, as he could read on the clipboard in hand, but he had no bad eyes for anyone. So, he knocked on the door twice (as mere courtesy) before entering; opening the door just a slit, he leaned out to see if said patient was indeed in her room. [color=00aeef]"Good morning, dear!"[/color], he greeted kindly as he slowly came in. [color=00aeef]"I hope not to disturbe ya. How've you been?"[/color] [@The1Rolling1Boy]