[hr][hr] [center][color=darkorange][h1]Xerxes Arvanitis[/h1] [img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/ezgif.com-resize_zpstpgyfyvo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Sky Lakes Medical Center. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Cassandra Arvanitis ([@Caits]), Linus Teague-Winslet ([@Oliver]), Zoe Flores ([@Vicier]), Magnus Bane ([@BlackPanther]), Samael Douma ([@Queentze]), and Melissa McCall.[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=darkorange]One moment he had been bored out of his skull, pleasantly taking on a right Twix stick to pass the time and the next... Ambulances, at least four or five of them... all blaring their sirens and thrusting in groups of teenagers at a time. Normally, Xerxes would have considered this sort of thing a normal "rush hour," however the knowledge that he allowed his daughter, Cassie, to go out on a camping trip with a bunch of friends that weekend... He felt his blood freezing over in ice. And as he rushed into the halls, watching as teenager after teenager got wheeled past him and into emergency rooms, he couldn't help the sense of dread that washed over him as he recognized familiar faces. The pink haired, blind girl... Miranda... there were the twin boys... [i]No...[/i] There was a dull buzzing sound in his ears as he heard the paramedics hastily try to tell him what had happened and what he needed to pay attention to; who he needed to tend to first as the rest of the doctors were roused from their quiet night. Forest. Camping. Attack. Wolves? "Cassie... where the hell is Cas-"[/color] [b]“I knew this wasn’t just a normal attack… It’s happening again, isn’t it..? They were bitten just like Scott was when he was their age…”[/b] [color=Plum]“Melissa relax; I’m going to take care of everything, but I need you both to help me."[/color] [color=darkorange]Xerxes forced his attention on the two women that had apparently been having a conversation right next to him. Melissa, one of his nurses who's own son was an alpha of a different Werewolf pack, and Zoe... Klamath's Alpha and the owner of one of his more favorite watering holes in the small city. Not a normal attack... happening again... bitten... The children had been attacked by Werewolves... No... No please God, no. Where was Cassandra? Where was his daughter?[/color] [color=Plum]“I need you both to help me get them into the one room; those who were bitten, they’re going to start healing soon, if not already, and that’s going to lead to questions… and not just from the rest of the staff... I need to be there to answer those questions… or else what happened tonight is going to be the least of our problems; and your daughter..? Xerxes, let me help her.”[/color] [color=darkorange]Zoe's latter comment was directed towards him, specifically. The only reason he could hear it above the buzzing in his ear and the rhythmic throbbing in his head was because she was speaking about Cassie. Help her? [i]Help her?[/i] God dammit! When was someone going to start answering questions? And where the hell did that little kid at her side come from? Pausing a moment, Xerxes' eyes met with the small boy. He looked... unwell. Shaken wasn't exactly the right word, though if he had witnessed the Werewolf attack, anything was possible. But the nail biting, the shifty eyes, the shakes... the boy was clearly going through some sort of withdrawal. He could see it in his eyes. Fear. Something was going to happen. Epilepsy. "Get him on the stretcher... there..." Xerxes said, taking command with a strong voice he didn't even know he was capable of during that exact moment. "Make sure he is comfortable. He's about to go into an epileptic fit. Keep him on his side in case of fluid buildup." Pausing a moment to see the boy tended to, Xerxes gave his attention back to Zoe, his eyes wild with fright now that the most immediate concern had been taken care of. Cassandra. What of Cassandra?[/color] [color=lightcoral]"Dad? Dad, I'm fine...really...just a little mauled...You were right, I should have taken Chewbacca with me..."[/color] [color=darkorange]As if on cue, Xerxes felt a pair of small arms wrapping around his broad middle, his daughter's head buried into his chest where he was sure it was a safe place to keep her from crying.[/color] [color=lightcoral]"I love you Daddy...I'm sorry. I'll be a better daughter, I promise..."[/color] [color=darkorange]She was okay. By the Gods, she was okay! Xerxes instinctively wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter, holding her to him for all that he was worth and letting her head remain nestled on his chest and under his chin. He tilted his head down, kissing the crown of her head firmly, a sting of tears threatining the corners of his eyes. She was so pure... so innocent in all of this. What did Zoe mean by wanting to help her? She was fine! Perfectly... fine... "Oh, sweetheart-"[/color] [color=gold]"A wayward witch child amongst the new puppies. I'll handle the staff if you can handle talking to the puppies. Hold on to that one. I don't think he could handle any more stress. I recommend staying with Zoe."[/color] [color=PaleGoldenrod]"When you said puppies I did not know you meant actual "puppies"....Zoe, well should I say "Mama Zoe" HA! How you gonna handle the new litter?! What too soon? I mean this is funny.. you gotta look on the bright side, now you have a bigger pack. Well all jokes aside, whatever you need I am here for you."[/color] [color=darkorange]Xerxes' head snapped up. More voices. An oriental male barking orders in [i]his[/i] hospital about the boy he had someone tending to for an oncoming seizure. And then... why the hell was the second bartender of Mia and Pia's there? Granted he liked Samael enough - he was a decent bartender but... none of this was adding up. Still holding on tight to Cassandra, Xerxes narrowed his eyes on the two intruding boys, his gaze hot as he peered at them over the tops of his glasses. "I need you two out of the emergency hall. Now. You have no jurisdiction here. You may sit in the waiting room until the situation has been placed under control at which point I will send someone to inform you of any updates we might have." His eyes narrowed even more so on the oriental male. "Do not come into my hospital and tell me what to do, ever again. Now go!" His voice was low, gravely even, but just as threatening as any angered shout would be. He held both of their gazes for a moment longer, hammering in the point that he meant business before he turned his attention to Zoe - truly the only one he could count on at this point. "What has happened?" He looked down to Cassandra and separated their bodies just enough so that he could look down and meet her gaze. "Are you alright?"[/color]