[centre][b][h1][color=limegreen]Quinton[/color][/h1][/b] [color=limegreen]"Its going to be a long night..."[/color][/centre] [hr][hr] [@Vicier] [hr][hr] A little relieved that the scene hadn't exploded into a mess of supernatural horror, Quinton allowed the teenagers in the ambulance to have a few moments. He turned away, glancing about, giving a nod to Zoe when she indicated for him to gather them up. No doubt she wished to talk to all the teens bitten. He didn't imagine that that would just be a simple [i]hey, you know that wolf? Well, its gonna make you all into werewolves. Oh, all except you sirens. You're immune. And the weredingo, of course. You can't be both.[i] He sighed, and shook his head. What a mess. This was going to be a long night, and he sent a thought to Abigale, knowing Callie would look after her. He just hoped that Remus wasn't tearing the place apart. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds around him. It looked like Zoe was already having a hard time. Was that...was that a Banshee, screaming? No...a Siren. Perfect. Quinton drew in a deep breath, deciding that the two teens had had enough time, turning to them. Imprinted teenagers, both who didn't seem to be particularly old in their were-abilities, in the middle of this mess. Even better. Teenagers were bad at the best of times, throw in being weres, and imprinting, and this was just going to be an even bigger mess. Hopefully, none of the other teens would imprint. Just yet. This would cause difficulties-the girl was a weredingo, far from her home-native to Australia, weredingos had a slightly different approach to pack, and to becoming weredingos. It was going to be a learning curve for all of them, but essentially, if the young wolf-pup joined the pack, then the weredingo would come along as well. Quinton rubbed his temples, and sighed heavily. This utter choas was what it was going to be like when Abigale was older, he was sure of it. And he'd just given her a wolf-dog pup. He must be insane. [color=limegreen]"Alright you two, looks like we're about to have a meeting. Don't make me drag your butts into the hospital. There is a lot to discuss, and I have no more clothes to spare"[/color]. Trying to make this monumental task easier on Zoe, Quinton would get these two in, and with some of the others, gathering whoever he could along the way. That was what he was here for. The fact that the pack was goign to expand in number so drastically on one night was enough of a problem. What the hell were they going to do on the next full moon? [color=limegreen]"Hop to it. And don't give me any whining, I have a daughter, I know all the tricks"[/color] God, he hoped he knew all the tricks. Abigale was crafty, and Quinton was sure that she could get into a lot of trouble, especially now. [color=limegreen]"If you have any family, best call before they find out on the news and come here hysterically. Zoe already has enough to deal with, without throwing parents into the mix"{/color] He turned, starting towards the hospital doors, already weary. He rolled his shoulders, making sure nothing had been seriously injuried in the attack that was still healing, or would hinder him if something else happened. Nothing. At least that was one good thing.