[@Caits] Caius chuckled as he dug into his own plate, finishing the thick, well cooked slab of meat in a matter of minutes. [color=turquoise]"That's why it's always worth it trying to find where he is once in a while. It's not always easy to though. He doesn't exactly leave a calling card behind. You can almost always find him in a posh restaurant though."[/color] He looked towards where Silas disappeared to and shrugged. [color=turquoise]"Somehow I think he finds me rather than me finding him. I'm pretty sure he'll be looking out fo you now as well."[/color] [color=gray]"Dessert?"[/color] Silas called out from the kitchen. Caius laughed out loud. [color=turquoise]"I'm sure you already have something ready,"[/color] he called back. [color=gray]"Indeed I do. I'll bring them out once your lady has finished her meal,"[/color] Silas' voice floated back out.