[center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Linus Teague-Winslet[/color][/h1] [url=https://postimg.org/image/bolvqsx6v/][img]https://s23.postimg.org/tenkbuarv/85e99fd46c9c702f943df8814b49b807.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url] [hr]Location - Sky Lakes Medical Center[hr]Interacting with: Zoe [@Vicier], Xerxes [@YoshiSkittlez], [/center] Linus listened quietly to the ongoing conversation, continuing to nervously chew his nails as more people crowded around Zoe. Were all these people friends of hers? What were they all doing at the hospital? His mind was suddenly swarmed with question after question, and he was only brought back to reality when the doctor started looking him over. He stared back, finding himself suddenly tongue-tied, unable to say anything even if he had something to say. The next thing he knew, the doctor ordered him onto a stretcher. [color=f26522]"...Make sure he is comfortable. He's about to go into an epileptic fit. Keep him on his side in case of fluid buildup."[/color] Linus froze up as he was lifted out of Zoe's hold and placed on the stretcher. This wasn't good. Zoe, the girl who'd all but kidnapped him, seemed to know this doctor, but wasn't he still legally required to turn in runaway kids? Maybe Zoe could talk him out of it like she did with the guard. What were Zoe's motives, anyway? Maybe she just felt bad for him and wanted to bail him out of trouble, but then why did she demand that he stay by her side from now on? He didn't really have time to think it over much. He felt terrible, and the doctor was probably right. Earlier it would have been easy to pass off his symptoms as nicotine withdrawal, but the incessant ringing in his ears had grown to a mechanical sounding roar and his anxiety had gotten a lot worse over the last few minutes. His wide brown eyes went vacant and he immediately tensed up, breathing in shallow gasps as his vision faded to black. He was quickly stricken by erratic convulsions that lasted for less than a minute. Seizures were usually quite fast, really. Even more serious ones. However, just as soon as this one stopped, he barely had time to open his eyes before he slipped back into an unresponsive state, going rigid once again.