[centre][b][h1][color=tan]Cody[/color][/h1][/b] [color=tan]"Finally...he's okay...we're okay...right?"[/color][/centre] [hr][hr] [centre]Aron, [@BlackPanther] Sebastian, [@December][/centre] [hr][hr] True to the paramedic's, or hospital staffs word, Cody was being placed in the same room as Aron. Relief at that, that he'd know if Aron was alright, was enough to keep Cody calm even as they wheeled him in. His injuries were hardly noticed, aside from a slight stinging and tingling sensation, sometimes a burning that he didn't really focus on, and all he cared about was knowing if Aron, and their friends were alright. Pushing himself up on the bed, the absense of pain in his leg a mild curiosity-maybe he was just getting use to the pain-he looked for Aron even as they placed his bed, securing it with the breaks. Seeing Aron was an absolute relief, knocking him flat on his back and leaving him a little weak, his heart a steady thump in his chest, and for a brief moment everything felt right in the world. It didn't matter that they had just been mauled, badly, by a wolf, that they had injuries that no doubt was going to take a long time to heal, that they were stuck in the hospital after what should be a memorable day. It just didn't matter, as long as they were together. A breath he didn't know he had been holding escaped him in a soft, slow sigh, rolling out his chest like a wave coming to gently burch on the shore. Everything was okay. He had Aron. Not even waiting for the hospital staff to be gone from the door, Cody swung himself off the bed, wanting more then anything to simply be touching Aron, the space between them such a large distance. In the space of what seemed like minutes, but was really days, Aron had become Cody's whole world. He would do anything for Aron, anything at all, and the frustration that he couldn't get both Aron and Gage out of the house they had to live in shamed Cody, but he knew he would never stop trying until he had succeed in getting them both out. A distressed sound escaped Cody as he took in Aron's injuries, wanting to soothe them away, and wishing he had been able to do something other then get his ass handed to him by a big, menacing wolf. [color=tan]"Aron? Are you okay?"[/color] For a moment Cody's steps were hesitant, waiting for the pain he was sure must come from his possibly broken leg, but none did. Not even a twinge. Adrenaline, maybe? He reached out to gently touch Aron, wanting to climb in next to him, but unsure, not wanting to cause Aron any pain. [color=tan]"I'm sorry, I tried to distract the wolf..."[/color] There were many things Cody would regret, and that was one of them. At the sound of a commotion, someone yelling...no, not someone. Sebastian? It certainly sounded like him, Cody tensed, turning towards the door, he shifted ever so slightly, so he was between the door, and Aron, not caring that he was injuried, just knowing if something bad came through those doors, he was going to do something about it. Or die trying. He'd probably die. Yet as long as it meant Aron was safe, Cody would gladly do it. [hr] [centre][b][h1][color=lightcoral]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b] [color=lightcoral]"But...I want to stay..."[/color][/centre] [hr][hr] [centre][@Vicier][@YoshiSkittlez][@December][/centre] [hr][hr] As her fathers arms wrapped around her, Cassandra decided that right there, as he held her close, was the best place on earth. No one could ever come close to how secure he made her feel, how loved. Yes, she would be a better daughter. She could give her father that. Holding herself into his warmth, Cassie staved off the tears she knew would have otherwise fell, yet as he kissed her atop the head Cassie's resolve nearly weakned, and the tears nearly fell. She drew in a ragged breath, and let it out again, hugging her father all the tighter. As his demanour shifted slightly, to that of Doctor, Cassie couldn't help the smile that flickered across her face. If he was yelling at others, then he wouldn't be yelling at her. Nestled safetly in his arms, Cassie didn't want to go anywhere. The added benefit of him reaming out what was possibly annoying and intruding people was something Cassie didn't often get to see. It made her proud that her father could help so many people, and did, while caring about their well-being and making sure there wasn't chaos. As he turned his attention back to her, Cassie met his gaze, and knew she couldn't lie. [color=lightcoral]"There was a wolf...it attacked us...everything else...doesn't make sense, but I didn't hit my head, Daddy, I swear. It...it attacked, bitting me and...I'm okay Daddy...I hardly hurt at all anymore...maybe it wasn't that bad"[/color] She was trying to convince herself, more then him She thought. But she really did feel better. As Zoé laid a hand on her shoulder, and pulled her away, Cassie let out a pitiful whine, trying to reach back towards her father, not wanting to be seperated from him now. [color=lightcoral]"Daddy...!"[/color] Her hands fell to her side, tears welling once more, bowing her head before one escaped. She swallowed painfully around a lump in her throat, risking a glance towards Zoé. She nodded reluctantly, glancing over towards Sebastian. She looked back towards her father, feeling at a loss all of a sudden, wishing he would say something, do something, to override Zoé, but she didn't want to see, starting over to Sebastian. [color=lightcoral]"Sebbie, let me help"[/color] Sebastian appeared to have been attacked quite severly, and she manouvered her uninjured shoulder under Sebastian's arm, gently helping to support his weight, keeping her hand out of the weigh, the stark white bandages almost an insult to her. Not in the mood for the hospital staff interving, Cassie glanced about, knowing she'd use her fathers influence to keep them away. She wasn't adverse to that. Not after everything. She could hear Cody's voice in the room, and a small slice of worry fell away. Cody was okay. Sebastian was okay. Two down...She glanced about for Miri, or Syleste even as she help Sebastian to the door.