[center][h3]York Grevillia Route 9[/h3] [@floodtalon] GM: [@I-Am-X][/center] [color=steelblue]"Oh"[/color], the Dewpider after eating it's fill entered the Pokeball that York had pulled out. With a stream of light the Dewpider was added to his party. [color=steelblue]"Well isn't that nice. I think I'll call you... Alastor. Al for short"[/color], the Froakie retorted, [i]"why not just call it Al then?"[/i] though York ignored that, or so it seems. The Dewpider's data was sent to the Pokedex, along with it's skills and abilities. [hider=Al] [b]Name[/b]: Alastor (Al for short) [b]Species[/b]: Dewpider [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Ability[/b]: Water Bubble [b]Battle Experience[/b]: 5 [b]Moves[/b]: Aqua Ring - Bug Bite - Spider Web - Bubblebeam [b]Extra Notes[/b]: This Dewpider in particular is a very picky eater it seems. It does appreciate the gesture though. [/hider] After looking at it briefly he noticed Talonite was now walking towards him, with a rather pleased expression. Likely also to return to finishing his meal, which York having sat here all this time managed to finish in advance anyways. [color=steelblue]"I guess you got yours too Tal? That's nice. Well, we've spent enough time eating. That fossil event at the university is soon, I don't wanna miss it"[/color], he mentioned, and suggested. [hr] [center][h3]Route 9[/h3] Unbearable [@Amaterasu][@TalijaKey][@itano123][@I-Am-X][/center] The Eevees ran fast, the group trailed behind the leader Eevee fairly well, but the two that sprinted far ahead were already at their destination. The group managed to catch up to watch the two Eevees leap out of a Sitrus Berry tree, those who spotted the big gash against it's bark would realize what was about to happen next. They heard a familiar thunderous roar as they turned to see an Ursaring barrelling towards them, everyone managed to jump out of the way as it charged at the two small Eevees with Sitrus Berries in their mouths as they leapt around the Ursaring. Those observant would know this was not the same Ursaring, but it looked like Ursaring and by extension Teddiursa were common in these parts. For awhile it looked like the scene back in the path, but there were only two of them this time, meaning this experienced Ursaring had much less to worry about or draw it's attention. One of the two were about to take a heavy blow having it's movements properly read, but the leader Eevee leapt into the way of the attack, the two Eevees were in shock as their leader was sent flying with shrieks of agony before it struggled to get back up. Taking advantage of the shock, the Ursaring raised it's claws poised to strike the two Eevee who were stunned by the sudden events.