[@Silmaril] Chara jumps and quickly hides the matches. She looks up and the man innocently and sits down trying to hide the blood on her hands and her bloody knife, [color=ed1c24]"I'm Okay Mister. Me and Flowey has just been playing."[/color] She looks over Flowey who was sitting on the bed behind her with his arms crossed. Flowey sticks out his tongue giving her the creepy face. Chara giggles and pokes his tongue but her finger goes right through his body and his body disappears and reforms when she pulled her hand away. [color=00a651][s]"Want to kill him too? It would make out time here easier,"[/s][/color] Flowey says tilting his head giving her a blank stare. Chara Shakes her head disagreeingwi th him, [color=ed1c24]"No. Mister isn't mean like the othee lady. The other lady was mean and deserved it."[/color]