[center][h1][color=f9ad81]N.E.R.O.N[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center] [color=fff200]Assignment[/color]: [color=f9ad81]Debriefing[/color] Interacting with [@king Tai][/center][hr] N.E.R.O.N was relieved to know that then children would be taken into proper care after the mission. Standing up in order to prepare for his assignment, the automaton quickly notified his master of a thought of his. [color=f9ad81][i]"I believe I will be forgoing [b]Operation: Bust the Bullies[/b], sir. This mission is not only the top priority for Vendetta Inc., but also for myself. Please consider me available at all times"[/i][/color], the construct informed before leaving the table to properly prepare. [hr] Making his way to his [i]'Maintenance room'[/i], a small closet outfitted with as much robotic and medical equipment as N.E.R.O.N could scavenge and receive from Blaque on a daily basis, the construct began scrubbing off the old blood and grime from his shield. As well, the A.I. stocked himself with medical equipment for the trials ahead, hoping they would not be needed today. With items checked and himself cleaned, N.E.R.O.N stood at attention in the main room. [@King Tai][@Gutshot][@Necrophage][@FantasyChic][@Wick][@Vashonn][@RumikoOhara][@pugbutter][@alexfangtalon]