Imogen sipped her tea as Sven talked. Her eyes moved around the room as she took in the others she was working with. Jack was unlike other men she socialized with and very much an American. She had grown used to his more rugged manners and found an odd security in his presence. Alyssana was a researcher and that was something Imogen understood. Her time with her husband had taught her so much in terms of research. Imogen knew that working with her as an assistant was a place where she could be most useful. She wasn't sure her socialite status would help with this mission so Imogen made a mental note to talk to Alyssana to find out what she might be able to help her with. Imogen scribbled neat notes as Sven talked about traps, needing more intelligence on the treasure hunters and souls. These would be things to keep at the forefront of her mind. She wondered how she might help with the treasure hunters. While they wouldn't be at a party her ability to talk and socialize, to get people talking might come in handy if she could find an in. The talk of armed escort once again made her nervous but that was her issue. The others seemed fine with guns and fighting. They were dismissed and Imogen stood, packing up her things. She looked over at Alyssana. "Ms Grey. I was thinking that we might gather some books or material to go over about this particular subject. I would be happy to help research for any little bits of information that might help us in this. I am not much of a physical help for this team so if there is anything else I can do please let me know." She smiled and slipped her blazer back on.