[center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Linus Teague-Winslet[/color][/h1] [url=https://postimg.org/image/bolvqsx6v/][img]https://s23.postimg.org/tenkbuarv/85e99fd46c9c702f943df8814b49b807.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url] [hr]Location - Sky Lakes Medical Center[hr]Interacting with: No one at the moment. [/center] Linus eventually pulled out of his repeated seizures, gasping for air like a fish out of the water. He was used to seizures by now, but he couldn't remember why he was in the hospital and felt himself start to panic. If he'd been brought to the hospital from the streets, the doctors would report him to the cops and send him to Juvy for sure. It was probably too late already. He bolted upright, raking his hands through his hair and hyperventilating. He immediately felt sick, but he didn't let himself lie back down. His memories were starting to swim back into his stream of consciousness. He was still really confused about... just about everything that had happened, but he no longer felt the need to run away. He supposed he'd just get caught by Zoe again or something. He was still confused about what these people wanted with him. Linus rolled over onto his side on the stretcher, clutching his chest and groaning miserably. He felt terrible and really needed a smoke. He looked around to see if he could spot Zoe, but there were so many people in the hospital by now that he couldn't see her. Ge climbed off the stretcher, staggering off into the hallway. He needed a glass of water, and didn't want to ask one of the doctors and risk ending up incarcerated by the cops.