[@RenaKin90][@Shmektheshmuck] "He should be fine, that is if he's puking from any of the toxic fumes coming from my cart. You all inhaled the fumes and if he's suffering from that," Talon said looking at the bloody vomit on the floor, "then this will wake him up. The blood in his vomit... if there's even any stomach contents in there, is something entirely different. I wouldn't doubt it if he's tripping out of his mind right now. I had over one hundred and fifty different forms of hallucinogen and at least half of those were toxic if eaten and or inhaled." Talon took a second and looked at her. He was getting a little over excited and if he were alone, he probably would have started to cut him open to see exactly what the problem is. "I can feel something about you. Whatever it is, keep it away from me. For all I know you are a dark temptress doing this to him. I'll keep this quiet for now, but if you attempt to screw with me or get inside my head," Talon said almost as if he was speaking directly through Rena's thoughts, "I will destroy you." "I'll give him a few more minutes," Talon said to Rena as he used the bucket of water to dampen a cloth. He raised it to Saedd mouth and cleaned the blood from his lips. He then proceeded to dampen his head and to cool the possible temperature that might develop from his immune system attempting to fight off whatever was wrong with him. Talon grabbed his chest as he felt a sharp pain surge through him. 'What the hell was that' he said to himself as he clutched his chest. He forced the pain away. 'I haven't felt a pain like that in a very long time.' Talon said as he passed his pain into Saedd hoping that it would be enough to wake him up. The convulsions he would endure would be ten times worse if he has to try and waken him up using his spell again.