The Raven ruffled their feathers as Sara seemingly grew excited over the prospect of them knowing the CEO. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes. She is, but in my dealings with her she has proven to be less than kind."[/color] The Daemon hummed softly, turning their gaze back towards the TV. [color=9e0b0f]"I find the price of her 'help' to be far too steep for my liking and we'll leave it at that."[/color] Rasteva's tone left no room for argument, and they did not like being so brusque with Sara, but their dislike of the Businesswoman was far too great to simply set aside. "As [color=9e0b0f]for our little 'hero' being reckless, I agree wholeheartedly. Though against a Daemon of significant strength even a group of unarmed individuals should pose no threat."[/color] Rasteva wondered briefly if there was any correlation between the person on TV and their employer. It certainly seemed like something she'd do, but how could she have known what these people even looked like? Much less how and where they operated. Shaking their head, the Raven looked back up at Sara. [color=9e0b0f]"It is a bloody solution, but not everyone is inclined to fight fairly. And can it really be said that these people are undeserving of such treatment? You were there at the Library. You saw what they did. If the Purgers did not want to be beaten to within an inch of their lives, then they should not have gone out hurting people."[/color] The Raven perched themselves on Sara's knee and proceeded to make themselves comfortable.[color=9e0b0f]"I know this is not something you like Sara, but the short of it is that someone saw a problem and attempted to solve it as best they could. Even if their motives and methods may be questionable I am sure good has come out of this. Perhaps now the Purgers will think twice before attacking someone again."[/color] The Daemon thought back to the irritable Police Officer on the news. [color=9e0b0f]"And perhaps after being so embarrassed, your Law Enforcement might actually do something about them."[/color] The Daemon said this not only to reassure Sara but themselves as well. They still had no idea what the fight could mean for their own future and that of the City but they did not think that it bode well at all. [color=9e0b0f]"I only hope that this does not cause things to get too out of hand..."[/color] [hr] Lorette sat behind her desk, several fingers pressed to her temple as she glared at the finely dressed man standing in front of her. [color=0076a3]"When I told you to take care of the problem Allister, I assumed that it went without saying that you were to do it as quietly as possible."[/color] The man smiled serenely at Lorrete, his voice as calm and clear as a stream even in the face of his Employer's ire. [color=fff79a]"But Lorette, you know how Faendr I can be. What's the point of us putting on a show if there is no audience around to even see it?"[/color] The man placed a gloved hand to his chin, his expression becoming thoughtful.[color=fff79a] "If no one is around to see it, can it even be called a show?"[/color] Lorette's eyebrow began to twitch visibly in irritation, Allister's nonchalant demeanor only serving to anger her even more. [color=0076a3]"Allister, I shouldn't need to explain to you how serious this is. You were seen by a lot of people and subsequently connected to this very place."[/color] The woman throws one of her hands up sharply. [color=0076a3]"And if you wanted people to look at you THAT badly, WHY didn't you at least change into something that wouldn't identify you as one of my Employees?" [/color]Allister paused to fiddle with one of his cufflinks and at least had the decency to look sheepish at her question. [color=fff79a]"I may have gotten a little overzealous and forgotten to change into something less incriminating."[/color] The woman behind the desk sat back in her chair stared at him pointedly, and Allister felt himself shrinking back just a little bit. [color=0076a3]"Allister, in only one sentence I want you to explain to me why I shouldn't throw you out of a window right now."[/color] The man twiddled his gloved fingers, eyes darting around the room before coming to settle back on Lorette. [color=fff79a]"The Police are on their way over and want to question us."[/color] Lorette felt a migraine coming on. [color=0076a3]"Of course they do. And who's fault is that?"[/color] [color=fff79a]"......Mine."[/color] [color=0076a3]"And who will be taking a ten percent cut to their salary because of this?"[/color] [color=fff79a]"No! Please! That's my silk tie money!"[/color] Lorrete prepared herself to deliver a sound rebuttal on why a grown man shouldn't need to set aside a portion of his salary for ties but was cut off by her phone beeping. Holding up a finger to keep Allister in place, the woman barked sharply into the phone. [color=0076a3]"What is it?"[/color] A deep voice on the other side let out a gruff chuckle in response. [color=8493ca]"Just because Allister dropped the ball on this one, doesn't mean you need to bite all of our heads off Boss."[/color] Lorette grits her teeth, grinding out softly. [color=0076a3]"What do you want Mr.Solberg?"[/color] The man on the other end dropped his joking manner almost immediately. [color=8493ca]"The Cops are here to see you and Schoen. They're pretty mad about what happened, so don't expect them to be on their best behavior."[/color] The CEO let out a deep sigh, nodding her head even though her Chief of Security could not see it. [color=0076a3]"I honestly expected as much but I appreciate the warning. Send them up."[/color] Lorette ended the call before the man on the other end could answer and affixed Allister with an icy stare. [color=0076a3]"I shouldn't have to say this, but it's obvious that you can't be trusted to your own devices. Do not ruin this for either of us."[/color] Allister let out a small scoffing sound, snapping a mock salute to Lorette. [color=fff79a]"Yes, Ma'am."[/color] Lorette snorted softly in amusement and turned her attention to the door to her office. The two of them did not have to wait long and moments later two Officers entered the room. Lorette shot Allister one last look that screamed 'behave' before rising to greet the two men that had entered the room. [color=0076a3]"Hello, Gentlemen. How might Apex Implementations assist you today?"[/color]