[quote=@DracoLunaris] What do you think? planet destruction might be a bit to grim for the setting even if everyone got off it alive way in advance.[/quote] I dont think it's too dark as a background element, and the post-it notes explaining what everything does is a nice touch. I assume that "searing wheel" is a typo, but given the barbecue'y nature of the game, it's a good one. I will have a think about things (it's about eleven o'clock in the evening here, I've spent all evening pretending to be awake, and I'm ready for bed...) and get back to you with some details I'd like to throw in. The ultra-condensed version is: the Quest For Flavour started off life as a glorified ice cream space-truck, and has gone through multiple owners, many refits, and the bees (and the AI) have seen it through a lot of it's life as a ship. The original manual is clearly next to useless, as every captain has left their mark and some after-market customisation, one of the captains spilled something sticky and made of sugar on the manual, and it was last seen down the back of the sofa in the recreation room. [quote=@TwelveOf8] Anyways, I did imagine Hendersons ribs to be a megacorporation. It would be interesting to see how these various divisions come into play on our tasty journey. Perhaps some get more funding than others for various reasons and are more reliable because of it. Perhaps what we do will have an impact in what divisions get granted more funding by the Henderson Ribs board of directors. Keep the ideas coming! [/quote] I imagine it to be one of those companies that seems to have all kinds of bizarre subsidiaries, and that probably explains why some of the prizes you can receive are entirely unsuitable for something a fast-food restaurant chain would have - it's a convenient way for the Henderson's Meat & Power Company to quietly get rid of spent nuclear rods, for instance. I like the idea that the players choices can influence the direction various divisions take, and will come up with some to add to my burgeoning database of ridiculous problems for the crew to solve. I'm aiming to give the crew a choice of five "looking for help" adverts to pick from at a time, and was vaguely thinking that some would escalate over time if left undealt with, as well as success (or failure, which is sort of like success, I suppose) in jobs leading on to people who were effected (affected? I am tired!) by your benign interference in their lives. Basically, I want there to be a feeling that what you do - or, in some cases, don't do - matters and changes the lives and fortunes of the people you interact with. Adding the various subdivisions and holding companies and what-not of Henderson's Ribs to that is a great plan. Sorry that this reply is a bit long and rambling; I'll try and get a more useful post up about Captaincy and The Will and a fuller history of the ship proposed tomorrow morning, after some sleep. Tomorrow afternoon and evening will be party o'clock, I'll try and answer any additional questions and double-check stuff on Sunday, and then on Monday I'll have the actual thread up. That's my timetable, so you fine folks have an idea of what I'm aiming for and when to expect me to reply going "[b]BEEEEES![/b]" or the like. Yeah, it's, it's time for bed.