[hr][hr] [center][color=darkorange][h1]Xerxes Arvanitis[/h1] [img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/ezgif.com-resize_zpstpgyfyvo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Sky Lakes Medical Center. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Syleste Vos ([@Vicier])[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=LightPink][i][h3]“Gage..!”[/h3][/i][/color] [color=darkorange]Xerxes winced as the Siren's scream rang out throughout the hospital. His heightened hearing made the cry almost unbearable, and for a moment his vision became somewhat clouded with black spots. A twisting knot formed in his stomach, making him think that for a moment, he might just lose that right Twix stick he managed to eat before all of this had happened - his lunch. But his reaction was more to the fact that he didn't need any other doctor rushing in to help him with a screaming girl. Gods... if they only knew... He had this under control. He had to. He was one of the only ones in the hospital that knew of the Supernatural world - hell he was a part of it. Instinctively, Xerxes pressed a calm hand to her chest, willing for her to relax while his opposite hand remained firm in finishing off the Penicillin injection. He had worked on so many squirming toddlers, and hell - even grown men - to have enough of a practiced hand for her sudden movement to not affect the application. "Syleste... please. You have my word, Gage is fine. He's in a lot of pain right now, but he's... healing... quite quickly, actually..." He wasn't sure how much he was allowed to say. Not even a Werewolf himself, he didn't dare cross that line with Klamath Falls' Alpha. Though it was clear already that Syleste took no part in the Werewolf curse from the bite. For a moment, that perplexed him. He looked Syleste over from the tops of his glasses, mulling over the point. If everyone else was healing quickly, there was a reason she wasn't. That smell... He always thought it was just a part of her - well in a way it was. But it wasn't until that very moment that he was able to determine what it was, combined with the recollection of what her scream had done to him. She was a Siren. Though whether or not she knew it was beyond him. Unfortunately, however, that was not his place to be the one to tell her. Closing his eyes for a moment, his hand still on her chest in an effort to get her to relax back down, Xerxes took a breath before pooling into his magic, calling upon his ability of empathy to further relax the blind girl. He hated using emotional control on others, however he found as a doctor, it came in handy a great number of times and even perhaps saved lives of those who just couldn't sit still. Once she relaxed and laid back down for him, Xerxes pulled the needle from her arm and taped a cotton ball to where he had punctured her skin. Going over just a few more things, such as her temperature and blood pressure, he finally felt okay enough to move her for a few moments. However, he already knew that she was going to have to remain in the hospital for a day or two... unlike most of the other teens that had been brought in... and his daughter... [i]Oh Cassie...[/i] "Alright, you're clear for now. Let's get you to Gage but I want you to take it easy, alright? Those cuts are going to need stitches and I don't need your excitement making your injuries worse." Xerxes paused for a moment, thinking. Just how was he going to get her into the room where Zoe wanted them all? He could call for a wheel chair, but Gods knew where any of them were in this damn place. It could take hours to locate one... "Actually, I don't want you walking right now. I'm going to carry you, okay? At least until I can get those wounds closed up properly." Hesitating for a moment, Xerxes removed his rubber gloves and after a soft nod of her understanding and approval, he bent over the hospital bed, scooping her up from it and held her to his chest in a strong, safe hold. He let up on the emotional control a bit - like reducing the dosage of a medical sedative. Though he would wait until she and Gage were in the same room before he lifted it completely. "Just relax. I've got you. You're safe here. Everyone is safe." he consoled her softly, carrying her out of the room and into the specified one the rest of the teenagers were to gather in..[/color]