[b]A Proposed History For The Quest For Flavour[/b] The Quest For Flavour has a chequered past, as can be expected of any retrofitted ship. Initially purchased by the [i]Erikkson & Yarflug Ice Cream Company[/i] as a glorified ice-cream truck, hence the rather unique shape of the ship - it looks like a rather large ice cream cone. When Erikkson fell afoul of the politics surrounding the Great Ice Cream Wars, it was put up for auction along with the other company assets. It fell then into the hands of the less-than-notorious [i]Doctor Frosty[/i], who put in a bid on the spaceship without paying too much attention to the attached photographs. Doctor Frosty, one of many amateur super-villains in the galaxy, spent a small fortune on trying to arm the ship, such that he could (according to an interview) "strike icy fear into the warm hearts of do-gooders". His budget didn't stretch particularly far, and his do-it-yourself efforts didn't fare well, but at least the [i]Quest For Flavour[/i] has a kit-built "Ice Cannon" mounted on the hull. Nobody knows what happened to Doctor Frosty. The Quest For Flavour passed through many hands and pseudo-pods in quick succession, with relatively few changes made to the ship during this period. It served as a personal courier for the Royal Family of Button Moon, it did a stint in a local destruction derby league, it almost served with distinction in the Kerffufle At Turkey Aid 4 and, finally, it ended up in the hands of [i]Captain Action[/i]. He'll tell you that this was when the real history of the [i]Quest For Flavour[/i] began, but actual historians will tell you that they've never heard of him, or that ship, and to stop bothering them because they're busy doing actual historian stuff. The [i]Quest For Flavour[/i] was never supposed to have a warp engine built into it, but that didn't stop Captain Action gutting the majority of the interior of the ship to make room for one. The engine dominates the interior of the ship, where the cargo hold, independent quarters, cineprojector room and back-up ice cream refrigeration units used to stand. While the first crew under Captain Action complained about the lack of their own living space, and the cancellation of movie night, the Captain was quick to point out that the engine required so much power that running it and the projector would be a bit of a tall order, especially if they wanted their rooms heated at the same time. The crew dispute was settled with fisticuffs and a sack race down the length of the ship. Because of the rather careful balancing act required to balance the power needs of the ship, Captain Action also invested in embedding a "computational substrate thing" into the hull, which could run "some sort of artificial intelligence whatsit to help out around here". Captain Action, like many Interplanetary Space Friends, died helping others. His name is memorialised by a dog-tag, bearing his name, welded to the hull. This inadvertently started a tradition of adding the dog-tags of fallen captains and crew members to the hull. There is an [i]impressive[/i] collection of dog-tags on the hull. Following his death, the ship changed hands many times, and some sense of stability eventually came about when The Will assumed command of the ship; there were few objections, as the hive of adorable little creatures were the longest lasting crew members that could wear the Captain's Hat. With great pomp and ceremony, the Captain's Hat was awkwardly perched on top of one of the hives, and that was that.