“Li could definitely be dead again” Kathlin nodded at Sharon’s words. Liaena raised an eyebrow languidly at her. “What’ll that be, the fourth time?” “Third” “Third….” Liaena paused for thought, before giving her peer a quizzical look. “What about the dragon?” “There were an awful lot of deaths to record, and your paperwork got shifted to last because people figured you’d probably show up again” “Hmm.” The girl frowned. “I’m starting to feel taken for granted here” [i]“we do need some samples from somewhere…” [/i]“Gimpsy, do you have any pets?” “What?” the gnome gave her an odd look. “Of course not – all of my wares are fully tested for use on persons! None of this nonsense animal tests – highly unreliable” “Well I could go and get something, if it’s just animal hairs you want” Kathlin offered. “I’m not sure I want to start yanking out chunks of someone elses hair though” “No, I’ve already got mouse hairs, I used them on that stupid Death Knight” Liaena pulled a small pouch out of a pocket with her words, to wave it at the others in demonstration. “I certainly don’t want all of us being mice though, Sods Law says we’ll be eaten by a cat, flushed down a drain or stepped on before we’ve gone twenty feet” “Well, we could just have you and Mister Dal’dieb being them then. I don’t think I’m public enemy No. 1 yet” Kathlin said lightly, before pausing for thought. “Maybe No 6. No 7? We can see” “I’m not convinced. The White Hand already know about you” Liaena said dubiously, clearly deeply unenthused by the prospect of giving up ownership of what had started as her grand plan, and put herself in the pocket – literally – of her peer. “…Sharon, what do you think?”