I have an idea for a simple (relatively simple anyway) rpg style economic system we could us for this game[@Hylozoist]. Each of our missions or quests could end with an economics report. On this report it will be recorded how much money we earned on the mission, how much money we spent within and over budget, what resources we used, how effective those use of resources were, and general customer satisfaction. A monthly Henderson Ribs corporate wide economics report could be drafted as well. This would contain data compiled from our missions such as use of resource use, use of budgets etc. This monthly report will determine which divisions and subdivisions within the Henderson Rins corporation gets more funding than others. For example, if we use the ship to solve our problems like flying away or using our power systems to help others in some way then corporate will determine that research and development of better engines or power systems would be worth more funding. More funding for ship engineering R&D, the better the upgrades for our ship will be. If we use our cannons and missiles to solve many of our problems then corporate will determine that weapons development will need more funding from the company's monthly earnings. The more funding weapons R&D will get the better the upgrades available for weapons for our ship. I hope you're understanding what I'm laying down here. It may seem complex but it's simpler an you think. We just need to crunch a few numbers every now and then. I will draft an economics report form later.