[@Caits][@Vicier][@Oliver][@YoshiSkittlez] [h2] Magnus & Gage [/h2] [hr] Magnus stared at the werewolf and opened his mouth to reply but then closed it. That actually got to him. He paused then exhaled. He lightly pinched the bridge of his nose and then sighed again. The wolf was right. He was 350 years old what the hell was wrong with him. Well...he knew what was wrong with him but how to explain. No no he wouldn't. He went to find Zoe with his hands in his pockets. When he did he silently took the bottle back and barely made eye contact. [color=gold]....I'm sorry....[/color] He then managed to look at her with those black rimmed eyes and tilted his head concern now passing through them. [color=gold]"Where did that witch child..."[/color] his brow furrowed as he tilted his head the other way listening with ears not quite as capable as a werewolf. [color=gold]"I'll go find him...and I'll stay out of your way..."[/color] he then turned and started roaming looking for that witch child. [hr] Gage was in pain he felt like his flesh was burning as it healed before his eyes. How was this possible. And then quinton got to him. Gage was trembling as he laid there eyes wide with confusion. Gage nodded but then shook his head. [color=pink]"I need Syleste...."[/color] and then the scream. He flinched and then snarled. The sound was like rumbling thunder as he sat up. He then tore away everything holding him down for that surgery and leaped out of the bed. He was walking with protection clear as the goal. He didn't know that he scream was a reaction to his. Right now his werewolf bite addled mind thought it was because someone was hurting her. He inhaled without thinking and managed to find her room in time to see Xeres with Syleste in his arms. He growled lowly. [color=pink]"What did you [i]do[/i]"[/color] his hands were curled into fists and any aspect of the fear he had a few minutes ago was replaced with pure urge to protect. He didn't notice the rest gathered. All he saw right now was red. His girlfriend had screamed...she was scared and he wanted to protect. His fists clenched and unclenched as he glared at Xeres.