I understand [@Hylozoist]. I almost made this friendship taste adventure into an advanced RP. Sometimes I get a bit carried away :s. It's just that I find it so fun expanding on simple ideas! Letting my mind go nuts! Don't worry, I will try not to make things more complicated. My character is an engineer so I can't help it sometimes heh heh. So to clarify, our adventure is a corporate sponsored scout troop thing purely for advertising purposes? I can totally get into that. We can have our characters randomly do commercials for Hendersons Ribs like in The Truman Show whenever there are cameras and people around. Really ham it up there! Also, I like your idea of a minor super villain. Can it be like the super villain from Space Dandy and Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Where he has his scenes and he knows about our crew but we never meet nor interact and he just becomes a side gag? Or will he be like the Ice King from Adventure Time? Where we do encounter him sometimes but he's only mildly inconvenient and just wants to be loved by us? Also, here's my possible origin story as to why I'm a part of the crew. Here goes. One day I received a letter in the mail. Old fashioned right? But if it's by snail mail, then you know it's official. Anyway, it turned out that it was an invitation to the Henderson Ribs Space Camp. It said I was chosen to be one of their space cadets. "For great demonstrations of cranial prowess" it said. Later on I found out that it was because I got the highest score on the Henderson Ribs themed Tetris game on their website. Super mega awesome right!? Well, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, they made me do boring maths. But here's the awesomely amazing thing. The more maths I did, the cooler the machines I could play with! (This is the shorter version). If I'm being annoying then shine the bat signal into the air. The caped crusader is always able to calm me down, with a vengeance!