[quote=@Gowi] As for my inquiry last night in bed, I was casually wondering why I saw the core picture that you chose. It’s out of curiosity more than anything else. [/quote] Oh, okay, well the idea is that even in a virtual world, Tessa doesn't like her face and body being seen (I have pictures of what she actually looks like under the appearance section). She commissioned a blacksmith (possibly [@Xiro Zean]'s Ochre) to make her armor 'appear' techy and robotic because she's a hard-core science nerd. If this is [img]http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/lemongrab-unacceptable-1024x571.png[/img] I can find another suit of armor that looks less like a mecha. I also didn't know that RPGuild now gave the ability to completely delete a post.