[hider=Mine Onada] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1770/sample_7389cf39d78b86f7560583c96c325abb24fb6b83.png?1852463[/img][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at five foot four, with a slender frame and weight only at 122lbs, Mine isn't exactly the most physically impressive of people. She has long, brown hair that falls to her back. Usually, its kept neat and tidy as she values her physical appearance. At times, though, some might catch her with it appearing slightly disheveled. Typically She wears some form of casual business attire even outside of the academy. Her skin is pale from spending more time indoors than what might be healthy, though she is far from unhealthy. While she isn't the most physically capable of people, any sort of person aspiring to be a hero needs to be able to be somewhat physically able. [b]Hero Alias:[/b] N/A [b]Name:[/b] Mine Onada [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 122lbs [b]Personality:[/b] Intelligent, crafty, confident, and cold would be the words most would use to describe her from first glances. Indeed, she is for the most part. She is incredibly confident in her abilities, both academically and with her Quirk. You want someone to help you with any sort of logical or critical thinking? She's probably near genius level for a normal human without some intelligence boosting quirk. At school, this about sums up her entire personality to those in the same classes as she. Straight laced as they come, though not unhelpful if one asks for her helps or she sees one struggling in class. However, those who know her outside of it, or close friends, might find someone that's a bit more...playfully impish. Assertive, teasing, almost no sense of personal space at times, she tends to particularly enjoy making people uncomfortable. Cheeky, but never outright rude or lacking tact, and she doesn't seem to enjoy much aside from these things, other times often wearing a neutral expression or slight frown. That said, she does have an incredibly strong sense of justice, and intends on using money, her quirk, and anything in her arsenal to insure that villains are punished and the world is as fair and strong as it can be. If, however, there is one thing that is not exactly all that obvious is that Mine doesn't seem to have time for those who do not wish to exert themselves for the better. She believes hard work will always be better in the end, and those who do work hard, succeed. Those layabouts and lazy fools who do not even at least attempt to assert themselves may as well be as low as trash to her. [b]Background:[/b] Born to a wealthy family, Mine has had a fairly easy ride most of her life. Top education in all subjects, proper etiquette and things similar and such, as well as lavish spending on pretty much everything. She is the epitome of the '1%' if such a thing even exists. From an early age, she was introduced to the selfish spending of money her parents always used, despite both of them being Quirkless. When she asked them about it at the age of seven, they simply replied with that 'they earned it, despite being Quirkless, therefore should be allowed a little leeway and stingy with it.' that was something, she could not agree with. If one had the means to help people, but didn't, they were just as bad as villains. Thus, Mine decided from then on, once she was able she would use both her money and power for the better and fairness of everyone...even if such a path, would eventually lead to her possibly being a villain. There would probably not be so many people who would agree to such an ideological views that she has. The reason for choosing Komei? Simple. It's one of the best schools in the region, what better place to further her own abilities and observe those of others? Heroes must be strong, steadfast, and stand together against injustice of any kind and work towards a future. [b]Quirk:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Aegis/Barrier [b]Classification:[/b] Emitter [b]Description:[/b] Mine's abilities allow her to emit small particles of an unknown type that she can condense to form barriers of various size in an area of around a three-five meters or so around her. These particles, while typically harmless, can be concentrated in certain areas to form barriers and a variety of other things as long as they are within range. Currently, her skill is rather limiting. They can be used for offensive purposes such as trapping someone within one, or tossing one through the air at a target, though it probably wouldn't particularly hurt much more than someone getting a bottle cap thrown at them. The fields themselves are completely visible, and are a bright blue color and oddly luminescent, and feels like a smooth, glass surface if touched. As for their strength, they are currently equivalent to a brick wall in terms of strength, and have a weight limit of what she'd be able to lift with her own physical strength. They could also, theoretically take a variety of different shapes as well. However, currently Mine is not quite capable of anything aside from simple objects with hard right angles (Squares/Rectangles) as well as near perfect spheres. The particles she comments are 'rigid' and do not 'flex' very easily. [hider=Limitations] - Can support roughly her own weight, meaning she can walk on them, and lift things weighing about the same. Estimations conclude they can hold up to around roughly a total of 140lbs of weight, though it would put Mine under a bit of strain to lift something that heavy for extended periods. - The particles only exist around three-five meters around her in any direction, with mine as the center. They are blocked by walls, space, etc and can't go through objects. They stagnate in the are around her, and simply 'float' unless acted upon by an outside force. She does, however, have full control over them. She can move the particles in a certain direction to extend her range, at the expense of lowering her range in another direction. If she is removed from the 'cloud' then she loses control over all of them. - The particles disappear rapidly without her - Can only manipulate up to about three different barriers at a time. Can move them/strengthen/enlarge them as one sees fit, as long as she doesn't go over her limit. The speed and density of the change would depend on how large of a movement or change she is making. - Currently, depending they have a total strength of a brick wall if she is putting all of her effort into a single medium sized barrier. - The density of smaller fields will be dependent. In their cloud, they are essentially weightless and gravity does not seem to effect them but they are incredibly light. Outside, aside from disappearing within seconds they seem [i]much[/i] heavier. [/hider] [b]Talents:[/b] -Playing the Piano. She's pretty good at it. One of her favorite ways to kill time, if she can find one. -Her favorite past time, are games involving strategy, typically those of the 'Make your own country, take over the world' sort. As well as chess, or any other such classic game. -eating a disproportionate amount of cake and sweets for one of her size. -Near genius level intelligence. A natural thing she was born with, and not a quirk. She is about as intelligent as a human can possibly be without the aid of one. She is quick to understand most concepts be they theoretical, practical, and observable. She greatly enjoys observing others quirks, figuring out their weaknesses, strengths, and generally how they work. This goes for any other observable phenomena. -Yeah, physical abilities? She has almost none to speak of. [/hider]