The stars, as far as they are, have yielded their wonders to us with our space programmes. Man may never be able to colonise beyond our solar system (yet), but humanities scientists turn to the next biggest unresolved mystery of our lifetime: the mysteries of the ocean. Deep beneath the oceans surface, a large crew of roughly 120 man the latest undersea colony; Judas 5. Comprised of mechanics, engineers, farmers, scientists and a few law enforcers, Judas 5 seeks to develop humanities technology to colonise the ocean floor, and to discover its secrets hidden from us for eternity. But, unbeknownst to our entrepreneurs, a terror shares their waters. And, even within the hull of their own home, plots and tricks are at work. Will this terror ever be discovered? And, if so, what? Will the mysterious founding company, Ignius, reveal their motives behind the ocean programme? Who are the centre-pieces of this tale, and what do they seek? And will they meet a cruel demise to find the truth? Judas 5, in the darkness of the ocean depths works quietly. How quiet it will eventually lie, remains to you. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for 2-4 other players / writers. The lore is flexible, in the spirit of co-creation. Obvious rules of writing apply: do not dictate actions to other peoples OC's, or their responses. Message around to make sure you're not posting at the same time with conflicting information etc. Message me if you're interested and with an OC before posting. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Character Sheet: Name: Gender identity: Age: Occupation aboard Judas 5: Physical description: (Can be written and/or picture if wanted) How they came to be aboard Judas 5: Known significant relationships with other crew members: Goals aboard Judas 5: (Optional. Does not have to be canonical with OC's actions, eg. a guise goal to hide plot twists) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________