[hider=Sazaghony --- WIP][center][h1][color=39b54a][b]Sazaghony[/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://koronatanacs.hu/files/-cimer_194z9349.png[/img] [sub]Sazaghony, also known as the Dragonlands, is a large empire located in Central Essos. It's known for its large plains, diverse cultures and that their rulers trace their lineage back to Sazagan, the mythological Dragon Ruler of Earth. The empire can be found in the middle of the continent, providing examples to the influence of both East and West.[/sub][/center] [h3]Geography[/h3][hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/2pdM0KR.png[/img] Yes, the green blob at the center is Sazaghony.[/hider] From South to North the Empire of Sazaghony stretches over the center of Essos. From the East and South they're backed by mountains while at the West only rivers and lakes defy the borders of the empire. Depends on where you live you can enjoy various environments in Sazaghony ranging from mediterranean, deserts to moderate climates and even cold tundras. Most of the lands are in the fertile moderate to almost tropical climate zone which benefits them in agriculture. They have access to both the Southern and Northern seas. [h3]History[/h3]TBA [h3]Culture[/h3]TBA [h3]Military[/h3]TBA [h3]Economy[/h3]TBA [h3]Relations[/h3]TBA [/hider]