Jess smiled as Nathan came into view and was ecstatic that he was ready to go. [color=F08080]"It was a little nerve wracking at first, but having survived, I think it won't be so bad this time,"[/color] She answered as she took a few deep breaths to try to visibly calm down. [color=F08080]'Over thinking things will only cause you to accidentally out yourself. Relax and everything will be fine.'[/color] She told herself as she followed Nathan out to the bus stop, where he apologised for having to take the bus so often, and suggested investing in a car or at least a bike. This admittedly caught her off guard, and she turned to face Nathan. [color=F08080]"Invest in a car? Together? How would... how would that work?" [/color] She asked. One of the first things she thought was that he was taking a round about way of asking her to move in to avoid awkwardness with her family and share the car. She'd still have to tell them eventually and if she were being honest with herself knew that it would be better to say something sooner than later. When she got on the bus with "Nadia", she couldn't help but notice how much busier the bus was than earlier and all the eyes that were on them. She had to remind her to breathe several times before they got back off. Several of the guys who were looking were pretty hot, but she was too nervous to talk to them, but she smiled at them and looked away. As they got off "Nadia" reassured her that the only reason people, especially guys, were looking was because they were hot. And they were, at least that's what she would tell herself if she weren't being so self conscious. She was quickly distracted however by her best friend asking her what she wanted to do first. [color=F08080]"I don't know, why don't we go look around for a bit."[/color] she suggested, somewhat unsure of herself.