[b]Mizn Tan-Erbo[/b] [i]District 3[/i] [i][color=Gold]////Reboot sequence started\\\\ ////Please standby\\\\ ////Progress 25%..35%..45%..75%..99%..Reboot competed\\\\ ////Starting systems\\\\ ////Frame integrity: 100%\\\\ ////Power: 90%\\\\ ////Locomotion system: operational\\\\ ////Navigation system: Offline\\\\ ////Combat systems: Disabled\\\\ ////Activating optical systems\\\\ [/color][/i] In an alleyway behind one of the forges a pile of furnace fuel begin to shifted as Mizn emerged from the pile. The automaton began to scan the new environment it had for itself in. Glancing around at the alleyway, the automaton quickly brought up is holo-computer to see were it was. [color=Gold]"Strange this place is not located on the planet I was on."[/color] Deactivating the holo-computer it swiftly drew a small probe. [color=Gold]"Set scan range 14.5 kilometers, map 3D topography, and return once task completed."[/color] The probe beeped to confirm the parameters were set Mizn tossed the prob into air were the probe's self propulsion activated were it stated to gain altitude. With the prob on it way Mizn left the alleyway to start exploring the city on his own. The clock-work robot earned some stares form the locals. Before Mizn could ask them about were it was the probe informed him of a large amount of energy gathering nearby. The automaton deiced to investigated as it could be liked to the automaton sudden apprentice here.