[center][color=f7976a][H1]Miranda Burke.[/H1][/color] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/4fa1772998444bd15a08e866f49e4a13/tumblr_n6b8gnkCU41rlh2v4o2_250.gif[/img] [color=f7976a]Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center. Interacting With: Zoe [@Vicier][/color] [hr][hr] In amongst the chaos, Miranda had found herself placed in one of the other rooms, she was attended to of course as the staff had to stabilize her and treat her more severe wounds from the attack. But with so much commotion going on out there, Miranda had found herself left alone in a bloody mess in the room un-attended attached to a ventilator machine. Her breathing was erratic as she was setting herself into a panic attack while unbeknown to her however, her wounds were healing and gave her a burning sensation. The sensation was weird, painful as she could not tell what on earth was happening to her, tears threatening to sting her eyes as she was scared not just for herself but for all her friends. She closed her eyes, Miri wanted to just rest and it was so easy just to just close them and try and shut off. The rapid healing doing wonders to help her breathing even if still in a little panicked state while her lighter wounds just seemed to be pretty much gone, she really had no idea of what world she was entering. Unknown to her though, Zoe had come to the room and silently made her way across to the blonde teen before removing the ventilator which startled her some, moments later, Miranda felt the bed move and that had certainly alerted her enough to open her eyes and fidget on the stretcher as she wondered what the hell was going on. Miranda’s eyes darted around, a little panicked at why she was being moved and even tried to move but failed. Maybe one of the staff gave her something for the pain and calm her down, but Miranda was certainly one of the more cooperative among her friends although at the time she could not talk while struggling to breathe. Her neck wound looking much better than it did, if it could be seen under the bandage that was put in its place. She calmed down once more when eventually and while appearing upside down for her when Miri’s eyes had settled upon Zoe… Wait Zoe? Why was Zoe pushing her down a myriad of halls? Miranda looked at Zoe a little confused but it did put her at ease a little seeing that her friend and boss had come to see her, sure the blonde was really worried about her friends and that had got her into that panicked state. Cassie, Syleste, Aron, Gage, Cleo and even that new girl… What was her name again? Kylie? No Kaylee, Miri is worried and thinking about hem all so much right now, she was scared for them all. But still, Miranda was relieved to at least see Zoe, she managed a small faint smile to the woman, looking at her and before she lifted her left hand up and raised it over towards Zoe before resting it softly on the Latina’s hand, the woman looked like really stressed and she hoped reaching out to her with a smile would help in some way. [color=f7976a]“Thank you for seeing me, but have you seen the others?”[/color] Miri said quietly, her voice still sounding a little off, she just felt so exhausted. [color=f7976a]“But since when did you become a doctor?”[/color] It was not long before Miri increased her grip on Zoe’s hand when Siren screams were ringing out, she didn’t even know they existed of course but who ever was yelling or screaming out had one hell of a set of lungs on them and it hurt her ears no end and made her eyes water. Her grip only loosening up once it stopped, her hand softly rest again, all she wanted to do was just rest and just hope it was all dream, everything was feeling weird and hurting and right now Zoe was her anchor. [/center]