[center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UkBi2Jd4f3A/UYXT2dE-XlI/AAAAAAAAATw/Ju6yfcKDBFk/s1600/black_dagger_brotherhood_logo_by_neinde-d33zh4y.jpg[/img] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=00a651]In the beginning of time there was two : a being of light and a being of darkness. The being of light, The Scribe Virgin, enjoyed giving and creating life. Her greatest and most favored creation were the ones called Vampires by humans. These beings were strong, graceful, beautiful, with the capacity to learn and grow and thrive. The Scribe Virgin blessed her children and watched them multiple over the ground, hiding in plain sight from the humans they shared the earth with. The being of darkness, The Omega, grew insanely jealous of his sister's creative power, unable to harness it himself. Everything he tried to create was revolting and dead. Hatred grew like a poison within him. Eventually he turned on his sister and declared war on her creations, taking humans and stripping their souls, placing a piece of himself inside of them. These soulless beings became known as Lessers, their only function to slay Vampires. The Vampires called out to their deity, their Mother, for aid. She in turn blessed a small group of Vampires. These warriors were gifted size, strength and power beyond a normal Vampire. Their sacred duty : to protect their race and destroy the Lessers. The war raged for centuries, both sides taking casualties, both sides savoring victory and tasting defeat. Each rose and fell like waves on the sea. All in the shadows of the humans around them. Now, in modern times, the war is picking up once again. A new race of warriors have come of age and must take up the mantle of their predecessors in order to protect their dying race from extinction.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][color=9e0b0f]The Black Dagger Brotherhood[/color][/b] The Black Dagger Brotherhood is the name of the group of warriors protecting the race. They are all large, powerfully built (think The Rock, Arnold and Jason Mamoa), strong, fast, nearly unkillable (stab them in the heart or cut off their head seems to be the only way), ruthless in the face of the enemy, and steadfastly loyal to their fellow warriors. The 'Brotherhood' is not just a name or a title. It is the very essence of their being. At the time of initiation into the Brotherhood, the one being initiated consumes the blood of the others, forming an unshakeable bond among them as true brothers-in-arms. There is nothing they will not do for each other. And if one is threatened, all shall come. If one is injured, all will cry for blood. And if one is killed... you do NOT want to be the one who committed the deed. As strong as the bond with each other, it pales in comparison to the bond they share with any mate they may claim. Their mates are a part of them, to the point where if she is in danger the Brother will go through hell itself to reach her, bare any pain to save her. Their mates (called shellans) are the only ones they will feed from or mate with. And a female's mate (called hellran) is the only one she will feed from. A Brother will even fight another Brother if his mate is on the line. And females will go for the jugular of anyone who dares come at their mate. Some of the Brothers have additional powers and abilities that the others don't. Stories tell of one such Brother who could burn an entire building to the ground with his hands. Another could see glimpses of the future. Still another could manipulate ice. There is even a legend of a Brother who could turn into a terrifying creature of nightmares that could consume Lessors. The Brotherhood work alongside the race's King and the glymera, a counsil made up of various great families of the race. The King and the glymera look after the common people while the Brotherhood focuses on the war. They seldom bother with humans. The few allowed into their world are mostly the Doggan, human servants who attend to needs of high-end families. The Doggan can be both men and women and are treated with kindness and appreciation. They cook, clean, care for clothing and any kind of transactions that must take place with humans. Vampires live many centuries. They can and need to eat food, but cannot survive without the nutrients in blood. It is preferable for a male to feed on a female, and vice versa, as they have difference nutrients that the other needs, but it is possible to survive on the blood of the same sex. They can feed from humans, but the blood is not nourishing and does not last long. The act of feeding is highly intimate and commonly only done among mates.[/center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ So this will be an rp based on the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R. Ward. Best vampire series I have ever read. I will be following the lore to a T so I will answer any questions about the Brotherhood, their enemies, their creation, their powers, their abilities, their nature, ect... No joke. This will be a very involved rp and unlike most vampire rps out there. Vampires cannot go out in the sun (they get burned and if exposed long enough burn to death). They can heal from most wounds but if salt gets in the wound the scarring is permanent. They can eat anything a human can, but need the added nourishment of blood. Human blood can sustain they for a time but they need another vampire's blood in order to survive. Holy Water? Crosses? Garlic? All useless. If you wish to make a Brother character I will help with any and all questions. You may also make a civilian vampire, a Lesser or, if you think you can handle it, The Omega. The Scribe Virgin, should she make an appearance, will be handled by me. Females are not classified as warriors, as they are meant to be honored and protected above all else. To mistreat a female is a death sentence. A very painful death sentence. But females are not weaklings by any means. They are far stronger than humans and have great power over male vampires. Some have even fought Lessers to protect their families. A female in need can bring any male vampire within a ten mile radius running to her aid. And if a female choses a male as her mate the male that bonds with her will brutally slay anyone she desires and heaven help anyone who tries to touch her for any reason. You can also make humans known as Doggens, servants to the vampires who live to serve. They care for the vampire's homes, wash their clothes, cook their meals, bandage their wounds and any other task their master may give. They are treated as family by their master or mistress and greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking an interest. If you don't want to join the rp, I urge you to look up the books if you enjoy vampire novels (but stay away if you are under 18. I mean it. They are not for underage readers for many reasons) Please join! I just finished reading the first four books (again) and am really craving this.