It was over 100 years ago that Goku and the other Z fighters kept peace and balance over Earth and protected the world. Nowadays, it was a new generation of warriors' responsiblity. Some were far off relatives of good or bad while some were altogether new. Some chose the path to be a hero while some lingered on as villains. The choice was theirs. Laying on the green grass, underneath a blue sky, was Sabra - A relative of Majuub and a member of the current Z fighters. Her hair was long and straight, stopping at her waist while the right side was hot pink in color and the left being a cotton candy blue with purple side bangs. She dons a modified halter-neck top with the symbol of the Z fighters across the chest and a pink hood. She wears yellow armbands over her biceps, a black bracelet on her left wrist, and denim boyshorts. She carries a pouch on her left hip over an ankle-length blue and white sash and wears laced knee-high boots Upbeat and positive in nature, she was also not one afraid to speak her mind. When pushed, she can become infuriated and often described as "nothing short of terrifying" Because of her connection to Majin Buu and relation to Uub, she shares many, but not all of her ancestors powers and abilities. That particuler day was a lazy day for Sabra. There wasn't much to do and it was such a beautiful day so she decided to enjoy it unless something would come up that needed her attention. Taking a deep breath and exhauling slowly the only word she could think of to say to herself was "Perfect."