[quote=@LitCabbit] [@Soragoku] I don't necessarily think that believing in something or someone did had to always have to coincide with a person's personality. So I had decided Analise onto having qualities of a Nephilim, but strongly bowing to Alithe. Intellectual and modest, but will release chaos whether by force or tongue. Being alike to each other can drive the hate factor, yes? [/quote] yea that would make sense but i actually like your character so much. i often put my own feelings into my characters. i'd think that Kaezira would naturally hate Analise but he'd see something respectable and worthy in her. if he got the chance he would probably be willing to convert her, though i doubt something like that would happen. would make an interesting plot though [img]http://i.imgur.com/YyQkzgQ.png[/img]