[center][h1][b][i][color=cyan]Aether Oath Ether[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [hr][@DirtyDingo][@The Elvenqueen][hr][/center] Computers. Aether hated them. She just couldn't quite figure out how to work the things. Sure she knew the workings of a fighter inside-out, but trying to extract information from advanced information storage systems had her head hurtling through hyperspace! She wasn't as tech savvy as the other two aboard the Krayt Fang, especially not Merak. His level of knowledge on technical things was somewhat intimidating to her. Then again, who was the one who could survive in a desolate wasteland without even a lightsaber? ... Yeah, he could possibly also know how to do that, too. Aether had no idea. She hadn't gotten to know him much since his arrival, despite being a fellow Mirialan. It was good to know that she wasn't completely alone by race on Valkaina, though. The two worked in opposite angles, really, Merak being technological, and Aether spiritual, hence why they hadn't had the chance to really converse. Well, until now, that is. On the other hand there was Alessia, sister to fellow Jedi Knight Maria, an instructor in the Ataru form of saber combat. Aether had sought her for lessons in Ataru for awhile now, though wasn't always met with success, the other Jedi Knight being far more busy than Aether finds herself being. After all, who wouldn't want to learn from a prodigy? Also traditionally Jedi Knights aren't to be tutored, though Aether was taught by her former master that the pursuit of knowledge was far more valuable than tradition or rules, and she's lived by that motto ever since. Additionally she found that sparring was a perfectly fine way to learn, despite getting beaten quite easily in the process. She found Alessia to be intriguing; despite being twins to Maria, she wasn't quite as capable a fighter as her sister. Even so Aether had to admit that there was no-one quite as proficient in Force Healing than her, which far out-shined Aether's own ability. It bought her respect in Aether's eyes. ... Computers really were quite frustrating... With a defeated sigh Aether spun her chair around and looked over at Alessia. [color=cyan]"Alessia."[/color] No response. [color=cyan]"Alessia. Alessia?"[/color] That got her attention. "Yes, sorry, what?" Quizzed the other Jedi Knight, as she turned her attention to her Mirialan comrade. Aether glanced quickly at the display at her side, then back to Alessia. [color=cyan]"Could you... please fill me in on what we're about to be running into? I cannot get the machine here to tell me what I need to know..."[/color] It was embarrassing to say, but Aether managed to mask it well, her expression stoic, almost stone-faced. She really needed to get a better grasp on technology...