Valana nodded as the captain tasked her with being a scout/fighter escort, it wasn't something she minded normally. She'd been instructed on how to pilot a wide variety of ships at the Imperial Academy, she was no ace, but she never needed to be. She feigned enthusiasm through the chant the Captain started. As it came to an end she promptly set on her way to the hangar. As she strode through the ship's halls she blankly stared ahead moving by memory as she focused on removing the ornate sapphire encrusted chandeliers dangling from either ear and placing them in a pocket in her robe opposite the one she keeped the freezer key in. Following that her hands once more rose to her head as she tied her jet black hair into a high ponytail. By the time she was finished she had arrived at the hangar. She glanced around the hangar before making her way to her fighter and subsequently opening the cockpit and climbing into her Cutlass. With the cockpit set the ship to begin a diagnostic and pre-flight checks. Performing everything with a rigid efficiency that was indicative of her Imperial training. Once the pre-flight systems were busy with diagnostics beyond her control she began to take in her situation. She wasn't thrilled about the idea of being within a parsec of an Imperial Patrol much less working right under their noses. That said it was nice to have others out there with her if for no other reason than the option of having someone to distract them while she made an escape if it came to it. At the thought she glanced at the Mandalorian at his own ship and smiled, waving politely, not waiting for a response before turning her gaze back to the readouts from her fighter's computer and affixing her headset comlink.