[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: Eevee cave -> Forest [i]Bearfull trouble[/i] Interaction:[@I-Am-X][@Amaterasu][@itano123] GM:[@Sho Minazuki] [/center] They caught up and had something to see,all of them barely getting out the way. Danilo was greeted with a sight, once more the Ursaring was attempting to hit the eevees and they jumped all around him. Stolen fruit in their jaws, well the two didnt learn any lesson obviously. He was reluctant to jump in the action partially wondering whose side should he even take? He was leaning towards the troublemakers, but that would mean getting the angry bear pokemon angry at him. Danilo had enough for one day of that. He felt Francis poke his head from under the hat, just in time to witness how one of the troublemakers made a mistake, yet it was saved by the leader eevee. The poor old pokemon took the hit and was sent flying. This wouldnt born well. [color=a187be]"Francis, peck Ursaring into the eyes!" [/color]as he spoke the words he knew this was a really bad idea, but he couldnt not do it. The touching sacrifice of the old eevee for the sake of his children was simple too beautiful to let it be wasted. Dan couldnt allow it to be for nothing. Hoping Francis will manage to interrupt the bear attack. Francis chipped once, in a chip that sounded a lot like [i]Fine, idiot.[/i] Before he with full speed fly from under the hat and aimed to peck the bigger and stronger pokemon eyes. Maybe the female eevee would be impressed by his rescue? With that idea in his head he felt a lot braver.