[quote=@Hank] Would a 'pretty please with a cherry on top' be enough to convince you to [s]wildly overextend your capabilities[/s] slightly expand the crew one last time? [/quote] Oh my goodness, I want to say yes. I really do. My biggest concern is that I wouldn't be able to really handle so many people - this is my first time running a game here, so I don't want to bite off more than I can chew in terms of group size. [i]However[/i], I reckon, with enough preparation [i]and[/i] an extra cup of tea in the morning, I can cope with one more. I may have to adjust my planned posting schedule slightly, and will have to ask folks to be extend a little extra patience my way when it comes to my posting time, but I reckon it can be done. Most of the games I've seen being run usually suffer from one or two people dropping out due to pesky real-life happenings anyway and, while I don't want any of the astonishingly lovely people who have signed up to drop out, having a couple of extra people may help mitigate that problem if it comes up. So - [@Hank] - yes. I will squeeze you in. If anyone else has managed to read this far and thought, "hey, I'd like to get in on this" - leave me a note here, or send me a message, and I will get back to you once the game is up and running about whether or not I can extend to more players, or whether we can have some kind of waiting list or somesuch. Because of the somewhat episodic nature of the game ("go off, do a good deed, get prizes"), adding new players / characters to the group shouldn't be that difficult. But my priority really has to be making sure that the people I've roped in to coming along on this wild ride have a good time, and that means not having a huge group that I can't keep up with. I've finished watching [i]The Cat Returns[/i], and am busily beavering away at writing things down for the actual thread, which will go up at around this time tomorrow, or maybe slightly earlier, depending on how wrong baking goes tomorrow morning. I'll make sure to tag everyone in that thread, so it'll be easy to find.