[center][h2] - Emily 'Jolt' - [/h2][/center] [center][@SanaChan][@Silver Carrot][/center] For her part, Emily spent the entire little speech nodding sagely, occasionally saying 'indeed'. It was her best mocking impression of a responsible adult. This wouldn't be the first time she'd been threatened with 'consequences', but so far they hadn't shown up, and if they had any attention of doing anything much they'd have to catch her first. Living in a storm cloud had some perks, and among them was a great way to get out of dodge, should things get too out of hand. Besides, teachers weren't scary. What were they going to do, ground her? Grinning at her own sense of humour she turned to Elidh the moment the teacher left. "Welp, let's go! If you can keep up with me, of course!" Laughing she practically kicked down the door, hurrying off down the corridor while briefly waving at the teacher lady. If there was one thing she was proud of, it was her speed. Wasn't nobody who could keep up with her if she wanted to move it. Not that she'd ever raced a centaur before. Dodging and weaving past confused students and the occasional angry teacher she shot off through the myriad hallways and corridors of the dorm building, before exploding out into the courtyard, panting slightly. She always liked to do things fast, and had no intentions of slowing down just cuz she was bringing someone else along. Of course, said other person would add some extra complications in getting to said cool spots. Emily could image Elidh might have more than a little trouble with ladders, or climbing walls. But for all that she lacked in formal education and classes, she had plenty of practical experience, and she'd quickly thought of a plan. Gesturing she lead the centaur over to a different building. Kneeling down she started picking the lock to the supply room, using a set of picks she kept in the back of her boots. It was a useful skill she'd picked up on her more.... urban... ventures. Although her abilities allowed her to bypass most security systems, she'd always had an appreciation for dexterity-based skills, and picking locks was fun. It also meant she was able to hang out with street kids without getting called a monster, which always bothered her. When she was done she tucked the picks back where they belonged, giving Elidh a sideways glance. "See, normally I'd just fly up, but I figured you can't fly, and you don't look like you'd appreciate me getting you a ladder." With a wink and a smile Emily led her new companion deeper into the dark room, and over to the stairs. She'd bring Elidh to the roof. It was the long route, maybe, but breaking and entering had it's own appeal, so she considered it the scenic route. Stopping to smell the flowers and all that.