[color=8493ca][h2] Dr. Khava Marr [/h2][/color] [@frapet] [@Korkoa] Dr. Marr grimaced at the man, before his eyes widened slightly. He stepped forward, reaching forwards with a gloved hand - batting away Roka's instinctive block, and confidently pushing the other against a wall, towering over the other man. With his hand, he carefully forced the other's eye open. He leaned forwards, smelling deeply, and taking in Roka's hormonal state. After a moment he stepped back, [color=8493ca][b]"I can't fucking believe it - high - on a job."[/b][/color] The sneer on his face did not diminish. How could this moron even consider using... his eyes narrowed. He did not seem mentally unstable... trauma? effectively suppressed? why? No. There is no point in offering justification to someone so clearly unconcerned with the well-being of not only those in his care - but that of his own as well. He looked the other in the eye once more, before he turned and started walking away. He took a moment to recall which ship was Roka's. The doctor looked through the ships and found the one that he needed to board. Just as he was about to, the child arrived. The boy looked at the ship with barely restrained awe. [color=8493ca][b]"Don't be so easily impressed. The mechanics of a machine such as this might at first impress the untrained mind. When considered against the vast, interconnected biological array afforded us by... [/b][/color](seeing that the boy's eyes had glazed over) [color=8493ca][b]Never-mind."[/b][/color] The doctor got into the ship and moved to where he was to be position, placing his bag in a secure area. he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, waiting for the other two to get themselves into position.