Something seemed strange, foreign, she didn't seem to be in the hospital bed she was usually in. The air had a strange scent and the entire room was moving. Aleecia tried to feel for a wall, but it was a weird, chippy white texture... concrete. She was in an elevator, to where? Everything stopped moving at once and a weird gasp slipped from someone near her, there was someone else there that seemed to have just woken up... like her. Ice's body felt weird, he couldn't move very well. His throat was too dry and somewhat numb, just like some kind of sedative. He had been reading in the lounge just before this, so why did he feel concrete against his back through the bandages and clothes? Isaiah opened his eyes to see that he and one other girl was in an elevator. Her hair was rumpled and she kept her hair closed as she felt around the walls. He remembered hearing about her in the hospital... Something about her being blind. Feeling was starting to come back into his limbs, he stood up and gave a quick, [color=orange]"Hey,"[/color] before holding a hand to help her get up. Aleecia pushed away his hand and got up by herself, still a bit unsteady from the chemicals going around and messing with her head. Ice frowned and let his hand fall to his side, searching for a button to open the elevator. But there wasn't a button, all that could be seen was the words 'ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE.' Ice murmured the words and Aleecia flinched slightly, the words seemed rather unsettling, to say the least. They both stood in silence, waiting for the doors to open. Ice hadn't really had much muscle for the past few years and he wasn't about to kick an elevator door down. Finally, the doors opened and Ice slipped into the labyrinth-ish area, it was somewhat familiar to the two of them. Usually the walls weren't made of concrete, and usually the area was full of nurses and doctors, patients and visitors. As they came into the elevator, they were confronted by two different elevators facing them and one to the left. There was a way out of the are to the left, but it seemed a little too unknown to venture forth that way. [color=orange]"It's like Axis Mundi...?"[/color] Ice said aloud, maybe to Aleecia, maybe to no one in particular. Aleecia didn't say anything, she wasn't ready to start thinking about the circumstances they were in. There was some mounted TV in the corner of the concrete wall. A strange video came up after a bout of static. And there was some kind of... stuffed animal coming on, talking and rambling. Dr. Killgood, that name was just lame in it of itself. All Ice could tell was that he was in charge of running whatever the hell they were in. [color=lightblue]"W-What's on the television?"[/color] Aleecia finally asked, concerned on whatever was making that 'cutesy' voice. Ice didn't reply, and the video continued to play. It started to show off people's faces and stuff about them, which was useless for Aleecia and seemingly made Isaiah continually swear, running his hands through his hair. “Isaiah 'Ice-Ice-Baby' Matthews, but we call him 'Ice' for short. He's kind of a mix between the last two I introduced, only he actually has a worthwhile Infinite talent. He gives blood, and lots of it. Our generous hero can give and give and give! But you know that old proverb goes: One who give everything to others leaves nothing for himself. The last comment made a chill run down Ice's spine, did the bear somehow know more about him? He looked down at his arm, covered in bandages and slipped them loose to look at the bruised skin where needles had pricked his flesh over and over again. He did [i]not[/i] like other people talking about him. “Aleecia Marvic, Infinite Dice Master. She knows how many fingers I'm holding up behind my back, because I don't have any fingers. What she doesn't know is how adorable I look on a TV screen. I think I'm going to give Aleeecia a cute little nickname. I'm going to call her Friendship: Because she's blind.” Her eyes still closed and her mouth half opened in surprise, she listened as the monitor spouted out facts about her. She grabbed for the wall, a frown slipping over her face and wanting just to get back to a bed. Neither wanted them to know what the 'theater therapy' was and continued to stand there. Eventually they would have to find out what was around the corner, but the other elevator doors were opening and there was a more pressing matter at hand.