[color=0054a6]By the time, Chalsea had managed to get out of her bedroom to try to go meet Adalia outside, Adalia had already returned to the mansion. She didn’t know that Chalsea was up and moving about, but she had wanted to go back and check up on her, instead of staying in the garden like she had planned at first. She had realized that while it might not be dangerous to leave Chalsea alone, as she did have the ice bucket next to her, Chalsea still had been alone the whole night, which meant there were no maids or any other person that could give Adalia a status update on how Chalsea was coming along this morning. That was the reason she had gone back inside the mansion, which seemed had been the right call. As she entered and went up the stairs to the first floor, she saw Chalsea down on one of her knees, clearly not looking too well from the way she was standing. Her body seemed to have been drained from energy through the night, even though she did look better than she had done the night before. But looking better and being healthy, were two very different things, which meant that Adalia’s alarm bells were still going off inside her head. She hurried over to Chalsea, her summer dress flying from side to side, as she did so. “Miss Chalsea, you shouldn’t be up and moving around by yourself in your state. Something bad could occur to you and your body. We still don’t know what’s causing your body to rise in temperature the way it’s doing, but my guess would be that it’s not a normal sickness.” She said. She gently put one of Chalsea’s arms around Adalia’s neck and helped her up on her feet again. “Come on, let’s get you down to the living room, at least down there you can sit up and get some breakfast, which hopefully would help with getting some color and energy back into your body.” She said while helping Chalsea down the hall. When they got to the stairs, she was more careful with getting her down, as it would be a horrible event if she suddenly lost her grip on Chalsea and had her tumbling down the stairs, causing even more damage to her already, by the looks of it, fragile body. With careful steps, she managed to help Chalsea down the staircase and into the living room, where she helped her sit down on the couch. “Now you wait here, I’ll go tell the maids to bring us over breakfast here.” She said, giving her a soft smile. She then went out into the kitchen where she saw the maids still working away with the food. She asked them nicely, to bring the food into the living room once they were done preparing it. She then returned to the living room and sat down next to Chalsea on the couch, with two cups of lemon tee for both of them. She put the tea on the table and looked to Chalsea “I don’t like that you seem to be so hot all the time all of a sudden. Ice magic cooled you down, but it couldn’t heal you completely. Normal healing magic seems like it won’t work either.” She sighed a little. “I did say I had something I wanted to show you, I just never managed to tell you what it was.” She said, looking at Chalsea again “I am doing some experiments on magic crystal shards under the mansion, which only the people in the mansion and a few mages knows about. If you’d like, maybe we could try and see if the shards could help you get better?” she asked her. She didn’t want to experiment on Chalsea, but she didn’t want Chalsea to suddenly burst into a flame and burn herself to ashes either, without at least having tried to help her. [/color]