A first mission would be a good test of her own prowess in these lands. Mable smiled staring at the level three missions excited. It would be amazing to claim those rewards. Mable also accepted that she'd need a lot more practice. A table nearby had a wonderful smell so taking the farming poster she took her seat. Mable slid the fresh eggs on to her plate sighing content. There were few things more enjoyable then watching the yoke pop on an again. Mable waved sweetly to the blacksmith. Mable strapped on her leather gloves after a delicious breakfast stretching. In case of trouble on the road Mable strapped on her weapons. The guild was a blaze with activity, but mable avoided her guildmates hurrying to be the first there and back again. Mable walked the farm nearby as she passed beneath large apple trees her hand took a few for her lunch. It would be hard but easy work Francis always being an easy customer. Mable walked over to the farm a few pigs hurrying to investigate her. Mable went straight to work letting Francis sleep as she started pulling up vines.[@Heap241]