[center][h1][color=black]Blaque[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center]Interactions: [@Gutshot][@Necrophage][@FantasyChic][@Wick][@Vashonn][@RumikoOhara][@pugbutter][@alexfangtalon] [/center] [hr] Hearing the confirmation from Delta, Blaque nodded. [color=gray]Thank you, I'll get them immediately.[/color] he said while he looked over to Darric, R0se, and Willard encouraging each other. He turned back to N.E.R.O.N who spoke about foregoing the Bash the Bullies mission. He didn't mind that at all. Blaque was simply grateful that most of his team would make themselves available for whatever case that needed attention. With everyone making their preparations, Blaque excused himself after N.E.R.O.N left to get things ready. Getting his upgraded lenses, Blaque grabbed his black blade anti-metal sword. And for a sticky mission like this, he needed his Equalizer. He went to pull his firearm out of his secured storage, sliding a full magazine into his gun and grabbing 3 more regulars along with one extended magazine for his gun's rapid fire function. With his weapon ready, he slid it into a holster and held on to his sword. Next, he needed his upgraded lenses to help with detective mode scanning and special targeting. He went to retrieve his new shades and afterwards, walked off to leave Safe Haven and stood outside looking to his left and his right at the stench of the alley they were in. With a slight sigh and the wait being over..... [color=gray]Okay team....it's time. If everyone remembers their roll in this objective, see you at Sleepy Hill....Darric, R0se, Willard.....you're up first...[/color] Blaque said on the communicator, heading towards their destination. [center][h3][color=ed1c24]Act 2: New Child Protective Services[/color][/h3][/center] Not long after leaving from Safe Haven, Blaque was about a block away from the orphanage, staring at the building. He was planning on waiting until Darric, R0se, and Willard made their way in and Delta screwing up their surveillance along with Tamashi infiltrating before going in himself. He was on the communicator checking in on Echo and Priest while waiting [color=gray]Echo..Priest...I'm a block away from the building. Once Darric, R0se, Willard, and Tamashi make their way in, Let me know when their security is disrupted. Do you copy?[/color] he said to them. [color=gray]Delta, I'm actually going to need you to be my back up if by chance they have children in there capable of overpowering me.[/color] Blaque trusted that both N.E.R.O.N and Bob would be ready to rush in the moment things definitely got rough for the group. Right outside the building, a guard could be seen walking around the building, coming from the sides and making his way to the front with a flashlight just to check the premises. There were surveillance outside ready to catch whatever or whoever approached the place. Everything seemed quiet and there were no signs of any unexpected guests coming through so, this should be turn out in Vendetta's favor...but only one could hope...either way...show time.