[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/high%20res%20tarzan_zpsiosvscea.jpg[/img][/center][center][color=0076a3][h1]Darric Stone[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][center] [color=fff200]Assignment[/color]: [color=00aeef]Undercover- Infiltrate Orphanage [/color]Interacting with [@Vashonn][@fantasychic][@king tai][/center][hr] Darric used his burner phone to call an old illegal business associate named Radar to help him make contact with the Caretaker. Radar had no idea that his associate Daniel Varicke was not who he said he was. With a little encouragement he agreed to make a call and verify him with the Caretaker. Darric got off of the phone and told them that they were waiting for a call and then they could head to the orphanage. In the meantime Darric looked at R0se and asked her, [color=00a651]"Okay R0se I need to know who you are going in as and how old you are going to be. I'll need background information on both your [i]and[/i] Willard's undercover persona's. I'll need your names, ages and you will both have some sad story that Daniel won't give a damn about. Do think on those and be ready when I ask for them."[/color] [hr][@King Tai][@Gutshot][@Necrophage][@FantasyChic][@Wick][@Vashonn][@RumikoOhara][@pugbutter][@alexfangtalon][hr]