[@Monkeypants] Travelling from one continent to another is not impossible, just not feasible for a country to manage all the messages and new laws and declarations of war against other nations from one end of the continent to the other, regularly. The travel time is too long and the distance is too great, so each place would probably just end up governing itself. That being said, the plot in mind to bridge the two continents is a voyage of noblemen from the east coming to the west. So, multiple plots, just not multiple plots because of the distance. [@Darkspleen] If your idea is being the horse guys and having a reputation as a warlike people for being hired as mercenaries a lot, then there's no piss in your foreseeable future. Just reiterate in their culture section that they're not actually Dothraki, their reputation just is. [@TheRestofYou] OOC up soon.