[center][h1]Route 9[/h1] [@Alder][@1Charak2][@ZachChase][@alexfangtalon][/center] The punks looked offended by Leo's outburst but before they could respond Jack burst out of the forest offering to help fight the two of them. Then Sadie offered to fight as well and the punk girl scoffed. [Color=crimson]"First come first serve girly, the two losers wanted to fight first so they get to fight first. Don't worry if you really want we can thrash you after we'really done with them."[/color] She said with a wicked smile plastered onto her face. [Color=plum]"Yeah, wait your turn girl!"[/color] The other punk added, following his girlfriend's lead. [Color=crimson]"Let's find somewhere better though, I don't want to wreck our camping spot."[/color] After relocating to an empty clearing, the girl went first in bringing out her Pokemon. [Color=crimson]"Go Houndour, show these wimps who's boss!"[/color] Out of the Pokeball emerged a black hound with a white skull atop it's forehead and a red snout. [Color=plum]"Go Snubbull!"[/color] Beside the Houndour was a much less threatening looking Pokemon, no matter how intimidating it tried to look. [Hider=Punk Couple Macey and Trevor want to battle!][h1][Center][b]Punk Couple Macey and Trevor want to battle![/b][/center][/h1] The Houndour began Howling to get itself pumped for battle while the Snubbull just stood there waiting for orders from its trainer. Jack paused for a moment and smiled: he had a hunch that Houndour was most likely a fire type, and felt he hand a decent upper hand against these guys. [color=8d68ed]"Come out, Squirtle!"[/color] Jack declared as he tossed out his pokeball, revealing the appearance of a blinking Squirtle. It took a moment for Squirtle to register, but with the two Pokemon in front of her, she smirked with excitement, readying for her first Battle. Leo blinked at the sudden arrival of his new battle partner and mentally shrugged. This was alright, he supposed. Although, he would have to see what this guy’s deal was after the battle. Seemed nice enough for now, he guessed. At the very least, they were on the same side. “Uh…Introductions can wait for later, I guess. Thanks for the help.” He turned towards the opponents. “Alright, let’s begin.” [Color=crimson]"Houndour, use Smog!"[/color] Macey ordered, Houndour opening it's mouth and a cloud of poisonous Smog came pouring out towards Flabebe. [color=8d68ed]"Squirtle, plow through it with Rapid Spin!"[/color] Jack shouted in retaliation. Squirtle then charged forward, withdrawing into it's shell and spinning through the Smog towards Houndour, the poisonous Smog sent upwards from Squirtle's rotation like an air turbine. Leo looked at the Squirtle's spinning body and inspiration struck. Rapid spin wasn't normally known for it's massive power, so why not give it a bit of help? "Flabia, use Vine Whip on the Squirtle!" Flabia sprouted long vines from its flower, seemingly appearing from out of nowhere. The creature struck at the water turtle as its shell spun and pushed it even harder towards the Houndour for some boosted damage. The shell would spin directly into Houndour's face and knock it backwards as it released a small yelp of pain. It got back up though and prepared to rush in to attack the Flabébe. Snubbull meanwhile was running towards Squirtle who was now just lying on the ground after the Rapid Spin. [Color=plum]"Snubbull use Thunder Fang!"[/color] Trevor yelled as Snubbull's mouth began to spark with electric fury. It lunged towards Squirtle and attempted to bite down on the small turtle. Houndour was also rushing back into the fray towards Flabébe, fire in its eyes and it's mouth. [Color=crimson]"Houndour, destroy that puny little thing with Fire Fang!"[/color] Houndour rushed the Flabébe head on and attempted to bite it as well. [color=8d68ed]"Quick, Squirtle, use Withdraw!"[/color] Jack ordered, as Squirtle curled tight into it's shell, bracing the impact of Snubbull's bite. It seemed to become agitated, trying to bite down harder against it's shell, as Squirtle lied within her shell, unable to move. Leo took quick note of the Squirtle's hard shell. To be confident enough in its ability to defend against a super effective move was no laughing matter. "Flabia, grab the Squirtle with your vines and block the Houndour!" The pokemon quickly wrapped its vines around the Squirtle's shell and brought it back towards it, safely rescuing it from what would have otherwise been a very damaging blow. At the same time, it blocked the Houndour's attack, using the shell as its shield. Snubbull tripped and fell on its face as it had nothing to bite, it got up quickly and glared at the two Pokemon who were so in sync with one another. The Houndour bounced off the Squirtle's shell and retreated to group up with Snubbull. They had a short conversation which the other Pokemon couldn't hear and they decided to back off. Houndour began Howling again to raise its Attack while Snubbull began using Tail Whip to get the Pokemon to lower their guards. Jack glanced over at his partner for a moment. He was impressed that he had made use of every opportunity presented to work together with Squirtle. [color=8d68ed]"Squirtle! Blast Houndour with Water Gun"[/color] he called out, as Squirtle hopped out from her shell. [color=35a4e4]"Squrrr!~"[/color] Jack's Squirtle cried, as it fired a jet stream of water in a direct line towards Houndour! Leo looked over at his partner at the same time. Their pokemon meshed strangely well together...he would definitely have to give the guy some kudos after the match. "Alright, Flabia, don't get either of them a chance to rest! Change direction to the Snubbul!" After the stream of water had finished reaching its first target, Flabia aimed the Squirtle directly at Snubbull. Only a matter of time before one of them was gone! Snubbull and Houndour dodged out of the way, they were prepared this time. [Color=plum]"Snubbull, hop on Houndour then start charging amother Thunder Fang!"[/color] The Snubbull began riding Houndour as Houndour dashed towards the duo withave vigor. [Color=crimson]"Houndour, use Smog then jump over them!"[/color] The Houndour shot another blast of Smog at the two Pokemon them jumped clear over them, dropping Snubbull right behind them. The Snubbull then tried to bite Flabébe with its Thunder Fang. Jack's Squirtle coughed, trying not to inhale the smog. Jack calmly smiled, he knew the chances of Houndour using smog again were high, but it has left Houndour wide open. [color=8d68ed]"Squirtle, hit Houndour with a Water Gun!"[/color] He yelled, making use of the airborne target, as Squirtle fired another jet of water at Houndour! Meanwhile, Chance sat dumbfounded for a while- Leo's rant basically summed everything he had to say, but he still needed to scream it all out. Either way he had to hold his ground, he'd stand up and swiftly heal Blitzy with a potion as he headed off to where the battle was taking place with all of his pokemon. Leo looked up at the Houndour and then at the Snubbull, if he wanted to avoid damage he would have to think quick. "Flabia, drop Squirtle!" The Flabebe released its grip on the Squirtle and awaited Leo's next orders. The Water Gun had already been set off, so it was likely going to hit the Houndour either way. Right now, priority number one was getting off the defensive and focusing on knocking the Snubbull out. "Now, Fairy Wind!" A visible, pink wind blew out from the Flabebe. While it was Leo's first time using such a move, he was sure that such a move would slow the Snubbull down, if not push it backwards entirely, based on its pokedex entry alone. The Water Gun hit Houndour directly, sending it tumbling to the ground where it finally stopped. After a few seconds it was clear the Houndour had fainted so Macey returned it and looked at Trevor with an inscrutable glare. The Snubbull's momentum was definitely slowed, but not altogether stopped unfortunately for Flabébe. The Snubbull latched onto the tiny fairy and discharged a large amount of electricity into it from its jaws. [color=8d68ed]"Squirtle! Help Flabebe out and charge Snubbul with a Rapid Spin!"[/color] Jack proudly ordered, happy to see he was successfully able to knock out Houndour. [color=35a4e4]"Squirtle!"[/color] She cried triumphantly, kicking off the ground with as much force as possible, charging into the attacking Snubbull from behind. "Flabebe!" Leo was about to give an order, but he saw that the Flabebe was one step ahead and had already taken out its vines as Snubbull latched onto her. "Grab on tight, then!" The Flabebe was visibly injured and nearly fainted, but carried out the order all the same. Its vines wrapped around Snubbull's body, holding it tight in place before it could dodge Squirtle's attack. The Snubbull began struggling and biting Flabébe with Thunder Fang in an effort to get it to let go, but it was too little too late as Squirtle came spinning into Snubbull full force. The Snubbull fainted and Trevor returned it to its Pokeball with a panicked look on his face. The two punks started backing off while Macey looked absolutely furious. [Color=crimson]"I won't forget this you brats! Come on Jack!"[/color] She stormed off into the forest while Trevor hesitated to follow. He turned towards the group and smiled sheepishly. [Color=plum]"I'm really sorry about her, she gets really heated really easily. Have a good one."[/color] [Color=crimson]"TREVOR! COME ON!"[/color] And with that Jack ran off after his girlfriend and the battle was over.[/hider]