[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Route 9 Group: [@Alder][@1Charak2][@alexfangtalon][@ZachChase] GM: [@floodtalon] [/center][hr] As Jack brought out his Pokeball to return Squirtle, he looked out towards the two fleeing trainers and sighed. Jack felt that Route 9 was open to all trainers, and if he was being honest, he felt that they were more than welcome to stay. He wanted to be able to congratulate their efforts during that battle, as Jack believed they fought very well together. Though, in saying that, he felt he was very lucky that Squirtle didn't receive too much damage... That's when Jack remembered he wasn't the only one standing in the clearing. Quickly, Jack turned to his battle partner, as well as the onlooking Trainers and smiled widely, promptly introducing himself. [color=8d68ed]"That was an awesome battle. I hope you didn't mind that I stepped into your feud when I did, but I had been looking forward to my first battle for some time. My name is Jack, by the way... Jack Schreiber."[/color] Jack said happily. As he looked towards Leo, he admired his ability to battle, feeling that he was far more experienced than himself.