[center][color=FFB6C1][h1]Roxanne Hart[/h1][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Route 13 [b]Interacting with:[/b] [@Deos Morran] / Aiden; [@Sen] / Novis[/center][hr] Roxy grinned as Aiden told them to hurry, seeing as she was pretty dang hungry at this point. And whatever Aiden was cooking smelled great already, so it was safe to say that her hopes were high. [color=lightpink]"Hey, um Aela?"[/color] she paused, as she was only testing the nickname. The Rockruff tilted her head, not used to the name, though not protesting either. [color=lightpink]"Could you hold on for just a second? I need to register you in my Pokedex,"[/color] she continued before pulling out the device. She held it out toward Aela, watching as a blue circle spun around on the screen before a voice began to speak. [color=A5F2F3]"Rockruff, the Puppy Pokemon. Rockruff has an excellent sense of smell, and once it has smelled an odor, it doesn’t forget it. There are tales of these Pokémon getting separated from their Trainers, then using the faintest traces of their scent to track them for days until they are reunited. It's considered to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, but its disposition grows rougher as it grows up."[/color] Roxy grinned widely as she put the Pokedex away, once again petting Aela's head. [color=lightpink]"Aela, could you stand to wait on the Potion? I'd like for you to help us find herbs and berries for Aiden."[/color] The Rockruff nodded, and Roxy quickly picked her up so she wouldn't have to walk on an injured leg. She stood up as Novis gestured for her to follow him, and the two walked over to a group of bushes, Roxy bringing Lucina along with her. It took them a little bit to find anything edible, but they managed to get a hold of some herbs. [color=red]"See anything else good around here, Rox?"[/color] She looked over at him, before glancing back to the shrubbery. Roxy knew a few herbs from appearance, seeing as she had to learn some when she was in the Trainer's School, but her knowledge was still a bit limited. [color=lightpink]"Mhm! These are Mental Herbs that we're picking. But, um, don't feed them to your Pokemon...they're so bitter that they make them pretty irritable.[/color] She picked a few off the bush and put them into her bag, holding Aela with her other arm. Roxy moved over a bit, plucking the few Oran Berries that remained on the bush. It seemed like wild Pokemon had been through and eaten a lot of them; Roxy hoped there was still enough for them. She held a couple of them out to Aela, who ate them surprisingly fast. [color=lightpink]"Feeling better now?"[/color] she asked, setting her Rockruff down. Aela barked excitedly, now capable of walking on her own. She stuck close to Roxy's side, sniffing the bush with curiosity. [color=lightpink]"If you find anything that smells good, let us know, okay? Lucina, you help out too."[/color] Lucina nodded, a determination evident on her face that was almost comical given the task at hand. Both Pokemon began sniffing around, occasionally gesturing toward a few berries and herbs that Roxy proceeded to pick from the bushes. She didn't know too many herbs off hand, so having Pokemon decide seemed to be a good idea. [color=red]"So..."[/color] Roxy paused and looked over at her friend, a curious expression on her face. [color=red]"Mind if I ask why you're out here, doing this? Everyone has a reason, no matter how dumb."[/color] Then he smiled, giving Roxy cause to smile too. It was a question she'd asked herself as soon as she left Hoenn. In reality, there was a myriad of reasons, but for some reason Roxy felt unsure of how to answer. [color=lightpink]"Oh, well, I guess I just...want to prove that I can,"[/color] she started. [color=lightpink]"My parents weren't too fond of the idea that I wanted to be a trainer. I'm doing this for them, to prove that I can handle myself. Besides, being pent up in one place for my whole life was getting on my nerves."[/color] She laughed at the last part, remembering her time back in Rustboro City. It was a bittersweet feeling, but she quickly shook the thought from her mind. In fact, the bittersweet emotion swimming through her just made her feel even worse than she had when they were in the excavation site. [color=lightpink]"What about you? Why're you doing all this?"[/color] she asked, a soft smile still on her face.