“We’re aware of that factitious tale,” Drust scoffed at the mention of [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i]. “Over a century ago, Alyce Heart, the then heir to Wonderland, paid Earth a visit. And thus, that piece of so-called ‘literature’ was born.” When Ghent pulled out his phone, Elayra could not help but step a bit closer to him, trying to see what he was doing to make the screen light up. She blinked in the white light that erupted from its back. The light startled Drust into spinning around, and Elayra instinctively raised her sword, ready to counter him, but he blinked in the light, cast a quick, final glance around, then sheathed his sword with a satisfying [i]shing-click.[/i] He entered the storage shed, having to duck to avoid hitting his head or the katana’s hilt on the head jamb. For a moment, his body blocked the light before he stood to the side toward one wall similar to a garage door chained tightly shut from the inside. Since he had the light, Elayra nodded for Ghent to enter before her, then followed him inside as she sheathed her own blade. Though it no longer latched, she closed the door behind them, then looked around at the various equipment, some she recognized to some extent and others quite foreign. Spiderwebs clung to all but a few of the items and caked the corners. Some of the arachnids cowered away from the light while flies and other small insects struggled against the webs. With a quiet, heavy sigh, Elayra deposited her pack once more on the floor by the bare garage door. She sat, her hand sliding down the shaft of her bow with the action, thankful for the chance to rest and hoping that, this time, it would last. [b]“You guys allergic to anything?”[/b] Elayra gave Ghent a tight-lipped grin. “Does—” Sensing a snarky comment, Drust caught her attention and glared darkly at her, his neck twitching. Elayra closed her mouth, her expression tense. “No,” she answered instead. “It’s impossible to say here.” Drust turned his normally veined gaze to Ghent. “But don’t worry about that.” He slowly removed his own pack and tossed it so it landed beside Elayra’s. “Whatever you can scrounge up will be fine. Trust me.” Elayra’s gaze lingered on Drust, watching him carefully.