[hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wjYK7vV.gif[/img][hr][@Witch Cat] [@BlueSky44] [@Pundii] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr]As Eudora exits the Church, no omens are presented to her, good or bad. The scent of Sylvia's body may waft out to her from the car, but her journey back towards the woods is decidedly pleasant. Stepping onto the sidewalk, as she heads towards the woods, the elderly witch will nearly trip over a small tricycle, the appropriate size for a small child. The small Radio Flyer bike has been knocked over--but hey, of all the things to happen today, finding a little trike isn't the worst that could happen. Meanwhile, within the confines of the Church, the entire place is abuzz with activity. Liam and Sera are either hearing voices or having visions, while a licensed psychiatrist stands idly by. Hanson is way out of his depth, Aloise is attempting to her best in a situation she was not prepared for, and Dr. Chang is exercising her fine collection of swear words. However, they are not alone in the Church. A small boy enters the front door, coughing and spluttering. [color=red]"I can't find my dad..."[/color] the boy wails. Seraphina will recognize him--it is the little boy from the woods. Fortunately, he has not spotted her yet, instead remaining fixated on Trevor. He screams again, and if the windows had not already been shattered, the glass would have burst. There is a terrible energy about this child. But after all, what else can be expected from the antichrist? [color=a187be]"For the love of Christ..."[/color] Dr. Chang grumbled, seeing the little kid wander inside of the Church. There were various cuts and scratches on the boy, and with the blood clinging to his clothes, he'd definitely need some looking after. She shot a glance at Hanson, and in a moment, the reformed Satanist sprang into action, hurrying his way over to the antichrist. Had Aloise not been attending to Liam, the ex-marine would have assisted as well. [color=a187be]"You should be good now, crazy,"[/color] Amy said, finishing up her work on Sera. [color=a187be]"Take it easy. Don't fuck a demon or anything, and you should be fine. No alcohol either."[/color] And while Dr. Chang did not let it on, images and ideas were flashing through her mind. They were not of her own design, entirely foreign to her. Lucifer whispered to her soul, attempting his very best to weaken her resolve, and to possess her form. For now, the doctor did not give in. But how long would that last for? [color=00ffcc]"Liam...Thank you,"[/color] Aloise replied, smiling bleakly. Truthfully, she wasn't at all certain what Liam's vision meant. But she had a fair hunch--it was probably the possession of Amy Chang. There was a bitter likelihood that the doctor would get in, Aloise understood that much. However, her eyes drifted over to Seraphina, with a frown. [color=00ffcc]"How can you know Sariel's dead? You can hear angels?"[/color] [hr][center][img]https://m.popkey.co/cb9af0/KMa38.gif[/img][/center][hr]"Yes, that would pose quite the issue, would it not?" Azrael mused, but she made no movement. Jade continued to hear the cry of the hellhounds, and while it was more distant than it had been before, it was ever present. Azrael had made no move to stop them, and for a moment, it sounded like the Angel of Death chuckled. "If you are incapable of dispatching a few hellhounds, then I am afraid you are of no use. Dispatch of my brother, Darren Owen and Jade Corentine. I believe you have two hours before my brother's pets come for her soul." And without any showy flashes or terrifying booms, Azrael vanished. Jade blinked and the Angel of Death was gone, but curiously, something had been left behind. A second angel blade. [color=339933]"Wicked,"[/color] Jade whistled, picking up the blade. [color=339933]"Looks like we've got to kill the bloody devil, then? This day is just fucking fantastic."[/color] The building apparently agreed, groaning as it further collapsed under its own weight. Jade raised an eyebrow, glancing at the decimated structure. [color=339933]"So what do we do then? Invite the devil over for fish and chips? Spot of tea?"[/color] Jade asked, glancing back over at Darren. [color=339933]"Do we tweet at him?"[/color] [hr][center][img]http://s2.favim.com/orig/36/creepy-effy-stonem-eyes-weird-Favim.com-292718.gif[/img][/center][hr]Of all the places in town for the devil to be, Crypt Manor was altogether unsurprising. As the Crypts were fussing with the corpse of the guardian angel, the possessed body of an old man hobbled up the steps, cane and all. He rapped twice on the door, his body covered in sores, and slowly turning to ash. Not all vessels can contain the power of the devil--and this one was rather shoddy, hardly able to contain him for more than an hour. [color=red]"My dear Belladonna, I have a favor I've come to cash in on..."[/color] Lucifer crooned, as Mercurial opened the door. The young Crypt girl was expressionless. [color=009999]"I can assure you, I am not Belladonna Crypt. But since you are evidently the Prince of Darkness, the mistake is understandable. Even monsters have flaws."[/color] Mercurial stepped aside, and Lucifer chuckled slightly, before entering the home. [color=silver]"Why, Lucifer! It has been too long, too long,"[/color] Belladonna said, her lips curling slightly. [color=silver]"How I miss your dark crusades. Tell me, what devilish favor may I assist you with?"[/color] The old man coughed slightly, blood spattering itself on his wrist. The meatsuit was wearing out, all too quickly for the Devil's tastes. [color=red]"Word is you've obtained the blood of Amy Chang...I require some portion of it."[/color] Belladonna glanced at Javier for a moment, but only her eyes moved. She fished the bloody vial from her possessions, her fingers curling over it. Whether or not she would give the blood to the devil was unclear. Perhaps she was waiting for direction from her family, but Belladonna was too independent for that. The woman was likely mulling it over. Mercurial, however, was far more blunt. [color=009999]"I was unaware the devil used something as childish as a blood ritual. I suppose this is why you should never meet your heroes, isn't it?"[/color]