[center]ISF Membership Form c-98bV2[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Tik-Tik, a nickname bestowed on her because of the sounds she makes when she engages in locomotion ("walking" feels like too mundane a word here). Real name is unpronounceable to people with mouths. [b]Appearance:[/b] The shortest way to describe Tik-Tik would be to say that she is a humongous spider, roughly the size of a cow, but with a much wider leg-span and not quite as heavy. Her low-slung body is situated in the midst of eight long, thin limbs that rise up around her, bending down at the knee and tapering off into a sharp point (hence the clacking [i]'tik-tik'[/i] noise when moving). Her abdomen contains a specialized organ, of which the upward-facing orifice is surrounded by vile teeth, that she can open to release foul-smelling fumes and a green goo that can be used to incapacitate pesky enemies, create a web, or just to cover everything in slime. Tik-Tik's, err, 'face' (of sorts) is covered with eight red eyes that gleam in the dark and are capable of peering into every spectrum of light, including things like 'ultraviolent' and 'infradead' (to nebulous purposes). There are even eyes on the knees of her limbs, allowing her to perceive things threats in all directions, or just to spy on people when they think she's not looking. [hider=Inspiration/reference][img]http://i.imgur.com/VYTlH0O.png[/img][/hider] [b]Species Name & Description:[/b] Most of the galaxy sticks to terms like [i]Giganticus Arachnidus[/i] or [i]Big Fucking Spider[/i] or [i]Jesus Christ, Look At That Thing[/i]. These giant spiders have a bad reputation throughout the galaxy for their fearsome appearance and dangerous biological capacities, but they're really quite a friendly bunch. The females all have a powerful mother-instinct that wantonly applies itself to whatever group the spider associates with -- if tolerated, they will attempt to become a surrogate maternal figure that gives out sage advise and knits colorful sweaters whenever possible. They are quite handy to have around for various reasons, like being able to create large webs of sticky slime that have more tensile strength than almost any other known material in the universe, or just to scare people into not getting all up in yo bizniz. That said, having a huge spider at your back sometimes makes it difficult to defuse tense situations. [b]Favourite Side Dish:[/b] Tik-Tik has a voracious appetite for all things potatoborn. [b]Useful Skills & Abilities:[/b] Being a large spider, Tik-Tik can walk on both walls and the ceiling, use her homemade green goo for various purposes, see in the dark/underwater/all around her/through walls (depending on the material) and, if absolutely necessary, bite people or stab them with her limbs. The lack of opposable thumbs makes it difficult to operate machinery intended for more humanoid species but the two slightly smaller front limbs near her head are deceivingly dexterous. [b]Membership Number:[/b] 1234abdcTHISISAHOLDUP. Reading that last part out loud has sometimes created uncomfortable situations. [b]An Inspirational Quote That Sums Up The Character's Personality:[/b] "Mother always knows best." [b]History:[/b] [s]Dank memes[/s] TBD.