[hider=Documentation of an interview done upon Member %XYN)p(Xf@vlv)fL boarding the Quest for Flavor] [b]Name:[/b] "Name's Elarin. That's it, we don't do family names where I'm from. Friends used to call me 'flyboy' cause I flew the ship, so I guess you can call me that." [b]Appearance:[/b] "What, can't you just look at me and take some notes? No? Alright fine. Reptilian, green scales, spikes trailing from the top of the head down to the end of the tail. Usual outfit of a hooded long-sleeve shirt, pants with a hole for the tail, no shoes. That good enough for ya?" [b]Species Name & Description:[/b] "Last I heard the going name for us was 'Reptiloids.' There's a bunch of us out here, enough to have several different factions. Not sure most of us came from the same planet originally, actually. [b]Favourite Side Dish:[/b] "I..uhh..whaddaya call the little yellow sweet bits? Starts with a C...cake? No...car? No, that ain't it...Corn! Yeah, corn!" [b]Useful Skills & Abilities:[/b] "I'm a pretty decent pilot. Used to run cargo for a bigger shipping company, before they got bought out. Had to sell my ship recently to get some cash flowing again, but my skills still hold up." [b]Membership Number:[/b] "%XYN)p(Xf@vlv)fL. Yes, I know there's no actual numbers in it. Don't ask me, I just read it off the back o' this badge. [b]An Inspirational Quote That Sums Up The Character's Personality:[/b] "A wise, long-dead human once said 'Life is like a sewer… what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.' I gotta say that you humans sure know how to make a guy laugh." [b]History:[/b] "Oh, you want my story? My WHOLE story? Well sit back, and get comfortable, cause its gonna be a long one..." [/hider]