[@Xiro Zean][@Gowi][@Tojin]. Hm. Given the zombies are weak, unarmed and there are clear limitations on them, I feel this is something that could be worked with, though it would stilll need adjusting. However I'm looking at role, and it says she's a support character. Outside of the headless horseman, it doesn't seem like she has any support abilities, unless she has bard skills that simply aren't listed. I wouldnt be adverse to this; certainly I did not list any of Elian's specific spells. I probably should somewhere.... Anyhow, summoning monsters to fight for her would make Tiferet an offense/combat character, at least in my mind. I will say the last two benchmarks seem more physical to me. Also I'm really not sure how specific magic skills are obtained, and I'm not sure about the idea of unlocking them by compeleting a quest. I'm not even sure there are questioned. Gowi has repeatedly stressed that this is more simulation than game.